You may have heard of hallowed places or even prayed for them. Whether or not you believe in them, they represent a place of worship that is regarded as holy. However, you must be aware of the difference between these places and those that are considered holy. Listed below are a few of them. The first place to start is in the Old Testament, where the word hallowed is used often. However, it only appears in the New Testament once.

If you have trouble finding the definition for the word hallowed, do not worry. We have collected the best definitions for the word for you! You can find thousands of synonyms in the Reverso dictionary. The definition for hallowed land can also be found in English Definition dictionary, Chambers Harrap dictionary, Wikipedia dictionary, Lexilogos dictionary, Oxford, Cambridge, and Collins Lexibase dictionaries. Merriam Webster dictionary also has a definition for hallowed land.
A pilgrimage to these hallowed places is an excellent way to learn about the history of your country. NC State University’s original home opened in 1889 and was built from 1.2 million bricks. It had no running water or electricity. The lower floors held the library, dining hall, and gymnasium. It housed 72 students and their annual tuition was $130. Today, it is the offices of the chancellor Randy Woodson and is lined with portraits of past chancellors.