Chinese Skull Chrest Deity


Traditionally, a Chinese skull is considered a deity, a symbol of strength and longevity. Often, it is worn by those who are highly loyal to their parents. If the parent is ill, the child will perform self-wounding rituals in hopes that the illness will be cured.


The symbolism of the Chinese skull Chrest deity is related to Chinese mythology. Its symbolism includes that it represents the polity and harmony of the earth. In addition, the antelope has been used to describe a person who is peaceful and devoted to peace. It is also associated with long life and protection from illness. It is also the symbol of purity, freedom from discrimination, and obedience to Buddhist law.

Another essential symbolism of the Chinese skull Chrest deity is that it represents a person who has a keen mind for politics but is willing to harm no one. It is also associated with rebirth in heaven. It is one of the 32 Marks of the Buddha. Besides, it is also related to the concept of impermanence of life.

Another symbolism of Chinese skull chrestdeity is that it represents the deity Siming, the God of fate and destiny. It is also associated with the goddess Kariteimo, the goddess of children. It is also related to the Dharma wheel, a symbol of Nyoirin Kannon’s vow to save those in the heavenly Deva realm.

The symbolism of Chinese skull chrestdeity includes that it represents the original nature of the heart, love, and compassion. It is also associated with the rebirth of the dead in heaven. It is also associated with the deity Dandato Tan Na Chuang, who assists the dead in their trials.


During the early years of Chinese civilization, people did not create myths of immortality, world greatness, or anything similar. Instead, they based their beliefs on departed spirits, days of the week, and days of the month. In their day, Chinese people did not have much contact with other cultures. As a result, the Chinese needed help to rely on the best practices of their predecessors. This led to their intellectual advancement, requiring them to be more active.

As a result, they did not experience the newest and most incredible thing. A deity named Siming was the Chinese version of the gods of Greek mythology. The deity was a deity of sorts and the deity of the Chinese religious community. The Creator had powers of Fate and Destiny. The deity also possessed an elaborate cosmology. It included a heavenly bureaucracy parallel to the earthly bureaucracy of the Chinese state. The Creator was also the God of the moon, and this was because the deity’s abode was the moon. This was not surprising, considering that the moon is the hottest and most brilliant planet in the universe.

However, the deity of the moon was a minor player compared to the God of the skull. The best Creator of the head was the sexiest one. It was a phallic shape and slept with Master Zhuang. It also spoke of the fanciful notion that the dead can be happy and that rainbows result from impure sun vapors meeting the earth.

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