Chinese Deity Drawings


If you are a fan of Chinese deities, you may be interested in Chinese deity drawings. These images depict the yin and yang, the four seasons, and the four elements. If you’re interested in these beautiful images, read on for some background information. You’ll also learn about Guanyin, Caishen, and Nuwa.

Yin and yang

Yin and yang are the two opposing forms of energy. Yin represents the feminine and dark, and yang represents the active and positive aspects of life. Yin and yang are sometimes expressed in different forms, with one type resembling the other. In Chinese deity drawings, yin is often depicted as a tiger, while yang is often depicted as an unbroken line.

Yin and yang in Chinese god and goddess drawings can be seen as a cyclical relationship between the two opposites. Each advance or fall is accompanied by a return. For example, a seed will emerge from the earth and grow upward towards the sky, but it will fall when it reaches its full height. Similarly, top growth seeks the light, whereas roots seek the darkness.

Chinese deity drawings also depict yin and yang in their descriptions of the elements. These two aspects are often represented in the Hetu and Luoshu charts. These yin and yang symbols can be used to tell the future or predict calamity. In ancient Chinese culture, yin and yang have many uses, from divination to astrology.


The Chinese deity Guanyin has many forms in traditional Chinese culture. The manifestations of Guanyin vary from small figurines for personal shrines to huge statues for temples or monasteries. Depending on the location, Guanyin statues may be one or more feet tall or even a whole meter. The icons are usually depicted with incense and offerings.

The most popular form of Guanyin is a beautiful white-robed woman. This form derives from the ancient form known as the Pandaravasini. However, it is important to note that the deity’s original form is much more complex. Her appearance, particularly her face, is largely symbolic.

Although Guanyin was originally a male deity, by the end of the fourteenth century, her incarnation became more feminine. The most common human configuration of Guanyin is the White-robed form, which is most popular among Chinese people. Her most famous power is the ability to grant sons. Eventually, the Chinese deity shifted into a more feminine form and became more widely recognized by laywomen.

Guanyin was a Buddhist deity, but her incarnation was a woman. A Buddhist monk named Jiang Zhiqi, who lived in the 11th century, believed that Guanyin was a princess. However, the description of Guanyin’s incarnation is varied, with many variations and stories.


In Chinese culture, the god Caishen is the god of wealth and prosperity. He is often invoked during the New Year festivities. Although the god is a popular choice, it isn’t always the best idea to invoke him. For instance, one popular myth states that if you invoke the god Caishen, you’ll receive wealth and prosperity for the entire year. However, if you really want to bring prosperity into your life, you’ll need to do more than just invoke the god Caishen.

The god Caishen was born during the Shang Dynasty, during the 2nd millennium BC. Caishen’s original name was Bi Gan, and he lived a relatively humble life. However, his wife, Chen, was the niece of King Zhou of Shang, who was notorious for debauchery. King Zhou’s debauchery landed him in trouble, and he eventually ordered the killing of Bi Gan and his family.

Although there are several origin stories for Caishen, the most popular story puts him in the semi-mythical Shang Dynasty. It is also believed that he was reincarnated and may have achieved this position after several incarnations. Caishen is the god of wealth and financial prosperity in Chinese mythology. The god is often depicted riding a tiger, and he also holds a golden rod.


Chinese deity drawings of Nuwa are remarkably similar to their Central Asian counterparts. Each figure is outlined with clear brush strokes and painted in a thick red and white pigment. In addition, they each hold a compass and a ruler, which are symbols of the traditional Chinese belief and conception of the universe.

Legend has it that Nuwa was lonely while walking through the woods and decided to make a figure out of clay. She was inspired by her reflection in the nearby river. This prompted Nuwa to begin making clay figures of sheep and chickens. Her hand is also associated with the golden calabash.

Nuwa is a creator goddess in the Chinese tradition. Different cultures have various myths about her, including her role in creating humankind and repairing the heavens after a great flood. Regardless of how she was perceived, however, her role was always viewed as one of great power.

Another story states that Nuwa and Fuxi were created in a cataclysmic flood. When the right moment came to escape, Nuwa and Fuxi entered a boat. After a while, they realized that they were the last humans on the earth. Rather than die in the flood, they sought guidance from the deities. As a result, they underwent a divination test to help them in their quest to recreate humankind.


The immortal goddess Xiwangmu is one of the most important figures in Chinese mythology. Her legend has a long history and may date back to high antiquity. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that she was worshipped in China before the eleventh century B.C.E. The goddess was often described as deathless and timeless by Eastern Zhou philosophers. This attribute has led to the association of the goddess with the idea of the western immortal land.

Xiwangmu was once a monster that killed people but was later transformed into an immortal deity. In addition to being transformed into a deity, she lost her beastly attributes and was described as being wholly human. In some accounts, she looks like an old woman, but her powers are still present.

As the patron saint of women, Xiwangmu was particularly popular among women and is particularly revered by brides. She is worshiped at the birth of a child, and Taoists gather in temples on her birthday to pray for fertility. Authentic antique images of Xiwangmu are rare and highly collectible.


One of the most important Chinese deities is Chang’e. She is a goddess of love and compassion. Her story has several variations. One version has her married to Hou Yi, a human. Another has her escaping to the moon. Either way, the myth is intriguing.

Chinese deity drawings of Chang’e typically show the goddess floating to the moon with a palace in the background. She is often depicted holding a moon disk in her right hand. The moon is also sometimes present, as is the Hare. She also appears to be preparing a drug that would make her immortal.

Chang’e’s name originally referred to a goddess of the seas. The emperor, Liu Heng, wanted to avoid sharing a name with the goddess. Therefore, he renamed her Chang’e. Changing the name of the goddess is not uncommon among Chinese royalty.

In modern times, the Chang’e myth is more complex. The goddess is associated with the Mid-Autumn Festival. In ancient China, there was a time when ten suns rose simultaneously, causing people’s lives to be in danger. To avoid such a catastrophe, the goddess Hou Yi shot down nine of the suns to leave one for humanity to light their homes. As a reward, Hou Yi was granted an elixir of immortality, but he didn’t drink it. The archer Fengmeng was also given an opportunity to steal it, but was unable to take it.


The Menshen are deified brothers who guard the thresholds of Chinese buildings. They are also known as door guardians, and their purpose in life is to protect the occupants of a building from evil spirits. Moreover, they feed interlopers to their pet tigers. Although they are often represented as brothers, they are also sometimes depicted as deified generals.

The earliest Menshen in Chinese deity drawings were actually generals, or military figures. They were deified to ward off negative energy, malicious spirits, and would-be criminals. They also bring wealth and happiness into a building. They are also found on the gates of some temples. These guardians have a long history in Chinese culture, and you can still find them on temples and other buildings.

Menshen are also associated with lunar New Year celebrations. They are also used as door decoration. In the Han period, they were painted onto peachwood and placed on the doorways of houses. Throughout the history of Chinese culture, doors were often decorated with pictures of deified historical and mythological figures. Door gods are also used to ward off evil spirits. In addition, Chinese culture also revered chubby babies as a symbol of fertility and longevity.

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