Chinese Deity Figurines


Chinese deity figurines come in all shapes and sizes and can be an excellent way to commemorate a loved one or a special event. There are many different styles, including Guandi, Kwan Kung, San Xing, and the Wealth God. Read on to learn more about these deities and how they can enhance your home decor.


Guandi is the Chinese god of war. He is represented in wood temple figures and has a richly detailed finish, including the folds of his robe. The piece retains most of its original finish and is adorned with a horse hair mustache. Many collectors prize Guandi figurines for their beauty and rarity.

Guandi is worshipped at many Chinese temples and Taoist temples. His portrait is often pasted on a door to protect it from evil spirits. His figurines can be found in mainland China, as well as in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. There is also a temple dedicated to him in Xiezhou, Shanxi, and Hong Kong.

Although Guandi is revered across the country, he is particularly popular with Chinese expatriates. Many of them have brought him with them as they moved abroad and found new opportunities. He is the most cosmopolitan of Chinese gods and has strong ties to local communities.

Guandi was originally a human called Guan Yu and was worshipped as a god during the Sui dynasty (581-618). He was a war god and a protector of the empire. He was also revered as a patron of scholars and merchants.

Guandi is a Daoist god of war. He is portrayed wearing a scholar’s robe over full armour. His figurines were used as altar pieces, and they were often placed in households or temples. The god’s image was often superscribed.

Guandi is often found in homes across Hong Kong. Many Hong Kong residents have small shrines dedicated to their favorite deity. Many of these shrines feature incense and candles. People worship them in hopes of good luck, protection, and good health.

Kwan Kung

A Kuan Kung statue is a popular item to display in the living room of Chinese homes. Its placement in the northwest bagua sector of the home is a good place to attract positive energy and keep negative energies away. This statue is said to protect people from white collar crime, embezzlement, fraud, and spiritual afflictions. In addition, Kuan Kung statues are said to bring good luck and help people achieve success.

Kuan Kung is a highly revered deity in Chinese culture. Although he is officially known as the God of War, he is believed to be a protector of the innocent. He is also believed to treat all people equally. Many people consider a Kwan Kung statue to be the most powerful charm for protection, courage, and money. A Kwan Kung statue is often robed with Dragon war motifs. Because of this, his anger reflects the intensity of its energy. Therefore, a more angry Kwan Kong statue will be more effective.

Another popular deity in China is Kwan Tai. His alternate name is Mo Tai, which translates to “military emperor.” His virtues of brotherhood make him an excellent patron for police forces and triads. This deity is celebrated in Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism.

The face of Kuan Kung Chinese deity figurines is more threatening than usual. His statues are positioned in the northwest corner of the home, where they help keep evil spirits out. The figurines can also be displayed on the entrance door to ward off evil energies.

San Xing

San Xing, which means “three stars,” is a Chinese deity that represents luck, longevity, and prosperity. These deities are often depicted in statues, relief carvings, and sculptures. They are often shown holding a knurled wooden staff.

The God of Wealth is another popular Chinese deity, and is associated with wealth. The statues of this deity depict him in the robes of a state official. The robes are embroidered with dragons and are often adorned with jade chains. The statue is also shown holding a large ruyi scepter, or “Ru Yi”. He also wears courtly shoes. His face is adorned with gold and silver and he often has a long beard.

In addition to statues of San Xing, there are a variety of ancillary figurines depicted in this deity. Some of the most common of these are depicted in a standing or kneeling position, with a deer or elephant head base. Despite their massive size, these sculptures have incredibly detailed faces and are often quite large.

This mysterious celestial being is known by many names in traditional Chinese mythology. He is often depicted holding a gourd or peach, which symbolizes immortality. His name translates to “God of Longevity.” His statues are popular birthday presents for older people.

Another Chinese deity figurine is the famous Lu Xing. Lu Xing is a Taoist god and equated with the star Ursae Majoris, which is located in the constellation of the great bear. He is usually depicted as the Old Man of the South Pole and carries a peach of longevity and a staff.

The Wealth God

The Wealth God is one of the most popular Chinese deities. Also known as fupan, this god is said to bring prosperity and good fortune to his devotees. His personal name is Yang Gong. In ancient times, he was a regional inspector of Daozhou, which was part of the Dao Zhou Empire. His wealth and prosperity were closely linked to the success of the emperor’s crops.

The Wealth God is often depicted in red robes of a state official. His robes are embroidered with dragons and a jade chain. He also has a large ruyi scepter called Ru Yi. He also wears courtly shoes. His face is bright and his beard is long. Some figurines even feature a gold or silver mountain, which symbolize wealth and fortune.

The Wealth God is also associated with wealth and prosperity. Some figurines of this god have an accompanying deer. His name means “success” in Chinese. Chinese deity figurines of this god usually have a symbol of wealth and fortune inscribed on them. The Wealth God is a great protector of homes. A statue of this god can be placed in the center of the house, facing the front door. If possible, it should be placed on an elevated platform. The statue should not be placed near the kitchen or bathroom.

The Wealth God is a Taoist deity. Although originally a Confucianist, he eventually turned to Taoism. He also discovered a medicine that helped people become enlightened. Its popularity led him to become a famous teacher and healer, and he has a huge following.


If you are considering buying a Chinese deity figurine of Shiva, there are many factors to consider. First, you will want to consider the size of your figurine. While most figurines of Shiva are quite small, there are still a few that are large enough to be considered imposing. Then, you’ll want to consider the carving style. There are several different styles, from simple to ornate, and you’ll want to consider what you want from your figurine.

One of the most popular forms of sculpture of Shiva is the damaru. It depicts the deity as dancing in a cosmic circle of fire. This represents the creation and destruction of the universe. This damaru, or drum, is used to syncopate the passage of time and the act of creation.

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