Chinese Deity of Time


The Chinese deity of time is regarded as an ancient deity and is the most popular god among Chinese believers. The story behind this deity goes back thousands of years when it tasted herbs. This is believed to have happened in a place called Shen Nong Jia. Legend has it that the god lived among giant tribes. The giant tribes’ lord, Kua Fu, promised the god to catch the sun to stop the burning.

Sha Wujing

Sha Wujing is a Chinese deity that has various characteristics. He has a dark blue complexion, a large flame-red beard, and glowing eyes. He is about four meters tall and wields a magic demon-destroyer staff. His incarnation is said to be a punishment for destroying the Jade Emperor’s valuable vase. However, the deity is not completely evil; he has a sympathetic and realistic side. He also likes to protect innocent humans at all costs and does not voice his own opinion.

Once upon a time, Sha Wujing was a demon in Liusha-he. He wore a red beard and red hair and wore a necklace of monk skulls. However, after becoming a disciple of Sanzang, he changed his appearance. He now wears a Buddhist pilgrim’s robe. He often carries a magic wooden staff created by Lu Ban.

In a Buddhist tradition, he was called Sha Wujing, meaning “awakened in purity”. This monk gave Wujing a Buddhist name, which means “awakened in purity.” However, he was mistaken for a rival and was captured by Tang Sanzang. However, he was saved by Guanyin and protected his master, Xuanzang.

Xi Wangmu

Xi Wangmu is a Chinese deity, and is associated with the goddess of the East, MU. Together, they create the earth, heaven, and all of humanity. While Xi Wangmu is often portrayed in a positive light, she also has an evil side. Some believe she causes plagues and natural disasters.

Xi Wangmu controls cosmic forces, such as time, space, and the pivotal Great Dipper constellation. She controls time and death, and is responsible for all life. She is also the patron of spiritual seekers, and gives them immortality. In addition to controlling time, she also governs the arts of transformation and meditation. She is also a teacher of Taoist scriptures.

Xi Wangmu was first worshiped during the Han Dynasty, and is the most powerful female deity in the Chinese pantheon. She protects women and oversees marriage and fertility, as well as the Immortal Peach Garden in Heaven. She is also known as the Queen Mother of the West, due to her role as a goddess of the West.

Yuexia Laoren

According to legend, Yue Lao is a Chinese deity that rules over time and is associated with the male and female aspects of marriage. His most popular appearance is in the form of a spectral old man, often depicted in moonlight. Legend has it that he ties future couples together with a red string. This legend is believed to have come about because a young man was looking for a wife when he stumbled upon an old man with a long, white beard.

In Chinese mythology, the goddess of fertility was entrusted with many tasks. She was depicted as a beautiful woman with sharp teeth and a hunched back. In addition to her power over time, she was also said to grant the Mandate of Heaven to human emperors.

The goddess of mercy originally came from Hangzhou and was regarded as a patron of sailors and fishermen. This deity influenced Chinese culture for a long time. Her origins were unknown, but she later learned the Taoist philosophy from a master who lived in Hangzhou. During the early nineteenth century, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner brought her image to Hong Kong. It has since become one of the most revered deities in the region.

Cai Shen

Cai Shen is a Chinese deity who is the god of money and wealth. His incarnations are often depicted as being accompanied by attendants bearing wealth symbols. He is also depicted on a black tiger. His incarnations are associated with many historical figures and a large temple has been built to him in Zhouzhi, Xi’an, Shaanxi.

Caishen is a Chinese deity who is often invoked during celebrations of Chinese New Year. He is typically shown riding a tiger and holding a golden rod, although he may also hold an iron tool. There are many different stories of Caishen’s incarnations, but it is generally agreed that his most popular incarnation was during the early Qin dynasty.

Caishen is best worshipped during the first days of the new year. The ritual involves dressing up, lighting incense, opening the main door and windows, and bowing three times.


The Chinese deity Nuwa is a goddess who has become very popular in recent centuries. She first appeared when the world was created. She spent tens of thousands of years in the Celestial Realm. When the earth was abundant, Nuwa came down to visit it. She saw a reflection of herself in the water and made a doll out of clay.

The Chinese deity of time has an interesting history, dating back to the Warring States period. She is sometimes depicted as being married to Fuxi, the goddess of the Moon. Her earliest mentions are in religious poems such as the Chuci, or Songs of Chu. The Chinese deity also appears in the Shanhaijing, or Classic of Mountains and Sea, and the Tianwen (Questions to Heaven). Although many Chinese mythology is based on the Han period, Nuwa is generally seen as an independent deity. She is not regarded as the creator of the universe, as the Han Dynasty was.

The story of Nuwa also reveals a fascinating story about her birth. After the great flood, she and her brother Fuxi knew they had to have children. In order to make this happen, they sought the gods’ blessing and asked for smoke to be blown over the prayer offering. After the prayers, Nuwa covered her face with a grass fan.


The origin of the Chinese deity of time, Wenchangdi, is not clear. While most Taoist deities begin as humans, this one did not. It is believed that he was born of a mother who was severely malnourished and ill. Despite this, his mother continued to breastfeed him and feed him from her thigh.

The legend surrounding the deity is complex and mystical, but it can be summarized in two main parts. First, the Wenchang scripture, revealed in 1181 by a spirit writer, traces the evolution of Wenchang from his birth to his apotheosis as the custodian of the Cinnamon Record, which determines the fate of both men and women. Second, the Wenchang scripture is an important part of Chinese culture and was introduced into Confucian temples. It also controls civil service exams in China.

The Wenchangdi is also associated with a small deity known as Shengong Bao. The statues of Wenchangdi often depict him holding a gold ingot and a scepter. It is said that his festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the third lunar month, the fifth day of the New Year. In Chinese mythology, Wenchangdi is closely related to Santa Claus.

Tianhou Tian Hou

The eponymous Chinese deity of time, Tian Hou, is revered all over the world. He is also revered in China. The main temple, Tianhou, was built in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Its wooden buildings are well preserved and exhibit a variety of carvings and reliefs. The eaves and eastern and western corridors of the temple are decorated with twenty-four divisions of the gods. The temple’s museum contains a large collection of historical and folk cultural relics.

Before becoming a deity, Tian Hou was a local goddess, serving as a protector. Over time, she was worshipped by emperors. During the Yuan dynasty, she spread to other parts of China, including Taiwan. In Taiwan, Tian Hou is known as Ma Zu. She is also associated with the origins of Hong Kong.

The cult of Tian Hou originated in the southern province of Putian. It is now widely worshipped in Taiwan and Southeast China, where it is known as Matsu. It is a sea goddess who protects the people who depend on the sea. In the Mekong River Delta, Tian Hou is a popular deity. Its statue is large and golden. It is often worshiped in festivals and annual celebrations.


Chinese mythology holds that the goddess of time, Mazu, appears in the earliest days of life and is the mother of all living things. Mazu is most often depicted in a bright red robe with shining jewels to make her more visible. She also wears an imperial headdress.

According to some legends, Mazu was born in 960 AD to an established family on the island of Meizhou. At a young age, she demonstrated a remarkable intelligence. She learned Chinese medicine and astronomy, and was also a great swimmer. Her powers helped coastal dwellers and local seafarers plan safe routes and save lives during shipwrecks. There are several versions of her death, but the most popular is that she was sacrificed at the age of 28.

Mazu’s popularity rose during the early Ming dynasty’s period of overseas maritime exploration. After the Ming’s collapse in the early seventeenth century, loyalists migrated to Taiwan to take control of the island. Later, with the help of Fujianese sailors, the Qing dynasty conquered Taiwan and proclaimed Mazu to be the “Queen of Heaven”. This gave rise to a widespread religious practice, and allowed Mazu to become a major religious force.

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