Chinese Deity With Black Face


Chinese deities with black faces come in a variety of forms. Some of the most famous are He xian gu, Tu Di Gong, Wenchangdi, and Sheng Ren. If you’d like to learn more about one of these deities, keep reading!

He xian gu

The Chinese deity with black face is a mysterious figure who is associated with many different myths. He is often associated with the god of rain. In one legend, he creates rain and scatters it from an earthenware pot. His other attributes include black skin, snakes in his hands, and different colored snakes coming out of his ears. This mysterious figure was also believed to be the source of torrential downpours and fog during a battle with the Yellow Emperor. However, his power was curbed by the goddess of droughts, which blocked him from causing any more destruction.

In many cultures, a deity of the common people was worshipped as a god. These deities are often honoured in a temple or shrine located in their place of residence. They are also venerated by the local people. However, the Chinese emperors did not pay much heed to the gods of the common people. They regarded heaven as the supreme ruler and referred to themselves as “Sons of Heaven”.

The temple of the Dark Deity is located in the Wudang Mountains. The temple of Xuanwu depicts the god in a dark robe. In his left hand, he holds a three-mountain seal, similar to the seal used by Guan Yu. His right hand holds the sword of Lu Dongbin, one of the Eight Immortals.

The Barefoot Northern Emperor is also venerated by Chinese people. In fact, he is also associated with the winter season. His birthday is celebrated by devotees. People visit him on the third month of the year to honor him. A statue of this deity is usually found in homes and offices throughout China.

Tu Di Gong

The name Tu Di Gong (pronounced “tu-di-gong”) is derived from the word “to shave.” The Chinese believe that shaven faces represent the spiritual qualities of the person who has shaved his face. In Taoism, the deity Tudi Gong is represented as an old man with a flowing white beard and bright red or yellow robe. He is seated on a throne and holds a wooden staff and boat-shaped tael.

Tu Di Gong is also known as the ‘God of Wealth and Prosperity.’ He is one of three candidates for this title. The legend behind his existence is that he lived as a hermit on the Emei mountain during the fall of the Shang dynasty. He had magic pearls, which would explode when thrown. He was eventually defeated by Jiang Ziya and killed. The Jade Emperor later made him the god of wealth and prosperity. Sometimes the god is represented by a pair of figures.

In the past, Tudi Gong was an important local city god. He protected the small towns and controlled the prosperity of common people. As such, many homes included altars in which his image appeared. There were also temples of this deity built in cities and rural areas.

The earliest appearances of Tu Di Gong are from the fifth century BCE. He is the God of Happiness and is often portrayed wearing lucky red clothes. His star is the planet Jupiter. He is associated with wealth, prosperity, longevity, and luck in examinations. He is also associated with Ling Zhi (black face), which symbolizes longevity. He also has an attendant, the long-lived bird crane.

Similarly, a black face may represent a wrathful god. In Chinese mythology, Tu Di Gong is the creator of the universe. He lives in a court under the sea, where he rules over the waters. He controls the winds and water, and is considered a symbol of good fortune. He takes two forms: the wraith-like form and the black face form.


A Chinese deity with a black face has been depicted on many Buddhist temples and atop mountains. Black Face Ma Zu is an ancient advisor to the People who often appears in dreams. He is also depicted as stepping on a tortoise. Dreams of this deity are often associated with calamities.

According to the myth, Nuwa created human beings from mud from the Yellow River, then he breathed life into them and made them able to reproduce. He also gave them the right to marry, which allowed them to have children. Although human beings were born with no knowledge, Nuwa and her brother Fuxi helped them become civilized by teaching them fire and the use of writing. They also taught humans how to perform divination, which helped them make good decisions.

There are several names for the Black God in Chinese mythology, and each has a different significance. Some are known to be more powerful than others, while others have less popular status. Some are more revered than others, but all are important in the minds and hearts of Chinese people. If you’re considering becoming a Chinese deity, consider these three options.

The dragon symbol is perhaps the oldest deity symbol in China. This deity’s image first appeared on Neolithic pottery from Banpo Village, 4500-3750 BCE. This deity represents the yin and yang forces of the universe. The dragon is also considered a balancing force.

Children are the most extreme devotees of the Black Face deity, and they may go to extremes to make their god happy. Some even resort to self-wounding or suicide. Others, however, seek their god’s protection by praying to him to cure them of their illness or save their lives.

Sheng Ren

The Chinese believe that the days are lucky and the sun and moon are impure, and that the dragon eats the sun and moon to create a rainbow. They also believe that rainbows are the result of impure sun vapours meeting the earth. While these beliefs are not necessarily true, they are still a part of the culture.

Zhi Nu

The Chinese deity with a black face, Zhi Nu, was born in the sky and was the daughter of Shangti, the sun god. She watched the earth from her place among the stars, but her father gave her permission to come to earth once in a while. When she arrived, she left her clothes by the banks of a stream. When she came back, she met Niu Lang, who fell in love with her and stole her clothes.

In China, Zhi Nu was often depicted with a black face, and he is the most popular of all of the Chinese deities. His portrait is found in many Chinese homes, and he is often depicted holding a scepter and gold ingot. His festival date is the 15th day of the third lunar month and the 5th day of New Year. In this way, Zhi Nu is considered to be the closest thing to Santa Claus in the pantheon of Chinese deities.

Zhi Nu is also associated with children and is associated with the quest for immortality. His statue is usually depicted with many arms and eyes, and he often sits on a lotus. He is often accompanied by a boy with a bottle, and a girl with a willow twig. He is also the patron of musicians.

The Chinese deity with a black face is also associated with a black servant. He is also associated with a number of acolytes. These four figures are said to protect the Temple, and are associated with the four elements: fire, water, wind, and earth. His ancestors invented hunting, fishing, and instruments. They also cultivated millet.

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