Chinese Sky Deity Names


The Chinese believe that there are 4 sky deities: Guan Yu, Guan Mo Luo She, and Yanluo. These four deities represent the four heavenly bodies. Each one is represented in a different way, but they are all equally important. To better understand these deities, let’s look at some of their names.

Dragon Gods

The 4 Chinese sky gods are the central figures of the ancient Chinese geomancy and astrology systems. The Chinese system was later exported to Japan and Korea, where it was absorbed into the Onmyodo system of mysticism. There are 28 star houses around the sky that each deity rules. The Heavenly Emperor divided the sky into four quadrants, and each quadrant contains seven stars and seven divine beasts. The original Chinese system added one more god – the yellow dragon, or Huanglong, which represented the Earth element.

The four Chinese sky gods are represented in various ways in artwork. Each god has equal power, but are restricted to a specific domain. They are similar to patron saints, although each deity is associated with a specific aspect of life. For example, the male god Yue Xia Lao Ren is associated with love. He is often depicted in golden robes with a long beard and a friendly grin. He is also shown carrying a red silk cord.

In addition to the four Chinese sky gods, there are also many mythical creatures in Chinese mythology. The Dragon King, or Yinglong, is the oldest. Its image can be found on Neolithic pottery, dating back to around 4500-3750 BCE. It is a symbol of great power and protection for heroes. Moreover, dragons are considered to be capable of creating clouds through their breath, which is why many Chinese worship them to get rain.

The Four Spirit Generals are another popular myth in China. In the fourth movie of the series, they also appear as pets. Genbu, a turtle that lives in the Onsen Tamago hot springs, Byakko, and the mysterious Shippu bird are pets of these gods. These creatures were also depicted in Chinese architecture.

When the Chinese communist party took control of the Chinese government in 1949 CE, they prohibited the worship of gods. However, many Chinese people continued to worship them privately. Even today, they are still revered in many homes.

Dragon Kings

Dragon Kings were ancient Chinese sky deities that ruled over the water and weather of the earth. They were often associated with the four cardinal directions. Each had a different name, but all shared the same surname. Dragon Kings are often depicted with red scales. Chinese literature is full of stories and legends relating to these mythical creatures.

The most famous dragon king in Chinese mythology is Longwang, which literally means “Dragon King”. The mythological longwang is the ruler of the seas and is a guardian deity of the four seas. He is also considered a god of good luck and the mythological embodiment of yin and yang, and is especially revered in coastal regions.

Dragon gods are among the oldest deities in Chinese culture. They have been revered since the ancient days, and the Chinese believed that dragons represented the evolution of their ancestors. Many ancient Chinese artifacts and legends depict dragons dating back to around 4,000 BC.

Dragon King myths have also been used to explain the nationality of the Chinese people. Long Wang is the Dragon King, with four younger brothers: Ao Qin, Ao Guang, and Ao Shun. Each Dragon King ruled the four seas in a separate part of the world. The Dragon King’s long snake-like body is one of the most popular representations of the god in Chinese New Year parades.

In the early Chinese era, Dragon King had thousands of descendants. One famous descendant of this god was the Buddha. Sagara, the Dragon King’s daughter, gave a precious jewel to a beggar who turned out to be the Buddha. Sagara later learned to practice Zen, under the tutelage of the Buddha. In return, the Dragon King honored the wishes of Sagara.


In Chinese culture, the sky-god, or Siang-tiei, is a god who is responsible for maintaining the food supply of the earth. This deity is one of the primary sources of veneration and is often the subject of sacrifices. He is also a god of the arts and is worshipped by many Chinese artists and musicians.

During the first day of the year, the head of the Lo-lo-p’o tribe presents an offering to the sky. A small bowl of rice and a piece of meat are placed on a tray, and the householder makes three deep obeisances before lifting the tray toward the heavens. Then, the householder and family eat the meat and rice.

While the sky-god is worshipped as a god of the sky, he is also revered as a god of the sea. Originally, this goddess rescued fishermen and sailors who were in trouble on the water. This made her one of the most venerated deities in all of China, and she was adored by both men and women.

The sky-gods were also believed to protect the earth from disaster. The Earth Spirits were called Tu Di and are sometimes small elderly men. When Sun Wukong traveled to a strange location, he summoned the local Tu Di to guide him. He also called Yue Lao, the Goddess of Marriage. Her magical red thread is said to bind couples together.

Chinese sky-gods also worship the stars. The stars that are closest to Siang-tiei are Vega and Altair in the constellation of Lyra, Niu Lang and Tian. These stars are important for many reasons, including the longevity of life.

According to Chinese mythology, Heaven is the most powerful god in the universe. He is also the religion of the state, and the Emperor is often called the son of heaven. In addition to being the supreme god, Siang-tiei is the supreme ruler in Chinese mythology.

The Jade Emperor is the highest deity in the Chinese pantheon, second only to Gautama Buddha. He is a strict adherent of celestial law, and his role in the Chinese pantheon is to protect the Earth. He punishes those who rebel against his laws.


Legend says that Nuwa is the creator of the world and is the fourth of the four Chinese sky deities. After the creation of the world, she lived in the Celestial Realm for tens of thousands of years. One day, she walked through a river and noticed a reflection of herself in the water. She was inspired by this image and molded clay into the shape of a sheep and chicken.

Nuwa is associated with creation, marriage and fertility. She is the patron of marriage and the mother of children. In traditional Chinese hanfu, Nuwa is depicted as a woman. Her mother was the goddess Huaxu, who became pregnant after she stepped in the footprint of the thunder god Leigong. Nuwa is married to her brother Fuxi. He is the creator of mankind and is credited with the invention of cooking, hunting, and the Chinese writing system.

In some regions, Nuwa is still revered as an important goddess. On March 15, Nuwa’s birthday, locals perform folkdances and sacred songs. They also offer embroidered shoes as a form of sacrifice. Women bring these items to Nuwa as offerings, burning them with paper money and incense. The Han and Tujia ethnic groups also worship Nuwa and Nuomu.

During a time when the world was in turmoil, Nuwa created humankind out of her own hands. Nuwa was very lonely and wanted to have more companions. Her method was very time-consuming and involved molding the first humans. Nuwa also had to mold the clay into the shape of animals and humans.

Nuwa’s birth myth tells that she was the mother of humanity. Then, when the fire and water gods battled, water poured down from the sky. As a result of this, Nuwa sought the help of the sky turtle Ao, who let her cut off its four legs. In return, Nuwa killed the dragon and scared away other creatures.

Nuwa is also associated with the moon. Her name is derived from the constellation Lyra and the constellation Altair. It is also believed that she rescued the people in trouble on boats. As a result, she is known as the patron of fishermen and sailors. This makes her one of the most popular sky deities in the world and a favorite of both men and women.

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