Old Lady, Chinese Deity Holding Peach and Food


Xi Wangmu, the oldest Chinese deity, grows immortal peaches on a Tree in the far west. They only ripen once every 3000 years. The Tree also serves as a cosmic axis, connecting earth and heaven. Shamans and spirits use the Tree as a ladder to travel between the worlds.

  1. Xiwangmu
  2. Yue Lao
  3. Zhi Nu
  4. Change


The Xiwangmu old lady in Chinese folklore is the embodiment of immortality. She lives in the Kunlun Mountains, where she tends to the Peaches of Immortality, which ripen only once every 3,000 years. As a result, the peaches she has in her hands are extremely rare. In addition to her beauty, she wears a phoenix ornament in her hair.

This ancient Chinese deity embodies eternal life and is the oldest living goddess in the Chinese pantheon. She lives in the Kunlun mountains in the far west of China. The peach tree she grows is immortal and only ripens once every three thousand years. She is considered a divine right of the emperor, and she is believed to be the intermediary between heaven and earth.

She was known to rescue sailors and fishermen from danger. As such, she became one of China’s most revered gods. Both men and women worshiped her. In this way, she helped people in trouble and allowed them to recover.

The Chinese peach is considered sacred and holds many meanings. It has many benefits for the people. It is also said to keep the world in a good state. In China, it is associated with fertility and long life. It is also one of the Three Blessed Fruits in Buddhism. In addition, peaches are also related to longevity. They are the embodiment of life and immortality.

Another mythological figure is Change, the moon goddess. She is an essential goddess in Chinese folklore. She was the consort of the archer god Hou Yi. She saved the archer god Hou Yi from a lunar eclipse, but after a long time, she betrayed him by stealing the elixir of immortality that the Archer God gave her. She then fled to the moon in fear of her husband’s wrath.

According to the Shan Hai Jing, the Xi Wangmu lives on She Wu, considered an eternally deep and high mountain. Chinese shamans worship her, and her mystical powers are believed to help them gain wealth and happiness.

Yue Lao

The Yue Lao is a Chinese deity known for restoring marriages to harmony and peace. She is also known as the Goddess of marriage. Jadeite, a primary component of Imperial Feng Shui treasures, enhances her influence as a god of marriage. These ancient treasures boost good fortune and bring great wealth to their destined owners.

The Yue Lao old lady deity is the god of marriage and is often depicted in an older man’s form, overseeing matters of relationships. She also holds the Book of Marriage, which binds destined couples together. The Yue Lao deity is also depicted holding lengths of red thread, which is supposed to represent destiny.

Zhi Nu

The Chinese deity, Nuwa, was the mother of humans. She lived in the heavens and viewed the earth from the sky. The Chinese believe that she gave birth to humans and fixed past mistakes. She then went to the planet to build a palace. This palace became the model for Chinese architecture. In ancient times, she lived with her brother, Fuxi. The two were often depicted as human dragons.

In Chinese mythology, the Peach of Immortality is the food of immortals. It’s also associated with the Peach Trees, which only bear fruit once every 3000 years. Chinese artists often depict the Peach Banquet as a subject.

The Peach Tree is an important symbol of the Goddess of Innocence and the Goddess of Immortality. During the Tang dynasty, she was a hermit living in Shanxi. She refused to accept the invitation of the Tang Emperor Taizong but accepted an invitation from Empress Wu Zetian. She died on the journey to the capital and was reborn in the mountains. The Chinese depict the Goddess as a beautiful woman with sharp teeth and a hunched back. Sometimes, she may have a leopard’s tail or be an ugly older woman with tiger teeth.

The Goddess of Children was a favorite of many people in ancient China. Her statues often depicted her as being surrounded by children. She was also the patron goddess of sailors and fishermen. She was one of the most popular deities in all of China and was adored by both men and women.

According to Chinese mythology, Xi Wangmu lives in the far west and grows immortal peaches on her Tree, which only ripens every 3000 years. The Tree is the cosmic axis connecting earth and heaven; the ladder walked by shamans and spirits is also located on the Tree. The goddess’ attendants usually hold a peach and food.

The Buddhist Goddess of Mercy is a powerful goddess who listens to the prayers of anyone seeking help. She also guides the boat carrying souls to paradise beyond the earth. In ancient times, Guanyin was the third daughter of Miao Zhuangwang, who decided to become a Buddhist nun. Her father tried to destroy her will, but she was saved. She then reincarnated on Putuo Island, off Zhejiang. She healed her abusive father by giving him part of her arm. He then erected a statue in her honor.


Old Lady, a Chinese deity, is depicted in a painting as a woman sitting on a high seat holding a peach and food. The peach and food symbolize wisdom and longevity. The dragon staff is another famous symbol. The Chinese believe in ancestor worship. The dragon is also believed responsible for the lunar and solar eclipses. It is also said that rainbows result from impure sun vapors meeting the earth.

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Old Lady, Chinese Deity Holding Peach and Food
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