Chinese Gods and Goddesses Revered in Homes and Temples


The worship of the Chinese gods was outlawed as superstition when the communist party took control of the government in 1949 CE. However, many people in China continued to practice their faith privately. The gods are still revered today in many homes. Here are some common examples.


Xiwangmu is a Chinese deity from the Han dynasty. She is the goddess of fertility and is depicted sitting on a mountain, wearing an ornament on her head, holding a staff, and feeding herself with three birds. She is also surrounded by shamanic spirits and emissaries who serve her.

The most significant part of this deity’s worship involves the control of cosmic forces. She controls time and space, the pivotal Great Dipper constellation, life and death, and is credited with determining the length of each life. She is accompanied by a host of spirits and confers immortality to those who approach her. However, Xiwangmu is not always depicted in the most positive light. Sometimes she is portrayed as a vampiric creature who takes the essence of young men.

Xiwangmu is the oldest Chinese deity and lives in the Kunlun mountains in the far west. Her sacred Tree grows peaches that only ripen once in every three thousand years. The Tree serves as a cosmic axis connecting earth and heaven and is also the path taken by shamans and spirits.

Legends describe Xiwangmu as the Queen Mother of the West. She ruled over mortals from the Kunlun mountains.

Nu Wa Nuwa

Nuwa is the creation goddess of Chinese mythology. She was the first being with the ability to procreate and created all of mankind. Ancient Chinese societies were fiercely matriarchal and Nuwa was an important deity. Most of us are familiar with Nuwa’s creation story and her role in mending the hole in the sky after the great flood. Regardless of whether or not you believe this story, Nuwa is a popular deity, and he is often prayed to for help.

Han Pia Nu Wa Nuwa has a number of names. One of these is M2?9R/VM, which stands for “psi-stability”. Another version is MR9A2LCNE, which is a combination of the letters M2?9R/VM.

“Han Pia Nu Wa Nuwa” means “the place that tastes salty,” and ‘the feeling that you want to live here’. Han Pia Nu Wa Nuwa is the largest of the nine inhabited islands in the Hawaiian Islands, but it has a long and complex history.

In addition to being the protector of humans, Nuwa is also the creator of the earth’s animal kingdom. In the beginning, Nuwa was alone and lonely, and so he created animals and people. Animals appeared on the earth after the first day, which Nuwa needed to feel more alive.


Guandi is the most revered of all the Han Chinese gods. His name derives from his Chinese folk name, Guan Yu, which means “Holy Emperor Lord Guan”. The worship of Guandi is reflected in the number of martial temples that exist in mainland China, as well as in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. A temple to Guandi is located in Xiezhou, Shanxi Province.

She is also a patron of the earth. She is also known as Di Huang Dehuang. She is said to have rescued sailors and fishermen from various dangers, which made her one of the most popular deities in China. As a result of her popularity, both men and women revered her.

The ancestors of Guandi han pia resemble bureaucratic officials. As a result, Chinese people imagine the gods using the organization of human governments. Consequently, the Jade Emperor in Heaven is the equivalent of the human Son of Heaven. In the divine bureaucracy, each bureaucrat-god is responsible for a particular function and domain.

Although Guandi han pia was originally a deity in India, she was also revered as a patroness of sailors. In India, she was originally known as Tara and was created from the tears of the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. Her origins are uncertain, but it is believed that she came to China via the Silk Road trade during the Han Dynasty. In the first recorded story, Tara took the form of a maiden named Miaoshan. Her father wanted her to marry a priest with money and power.

Yinmeng Niang Niangniang

The Yinmeng Niang Niangnanang Han Pia is a Chinese deity with many names and associated myths. The earliest mention of the deity is in ancient Chinese writings. This deity is associated with agriculture and the development of medicine. It is also considered one of the Three Sovereigns or Five Emperors. Historians believe that this deity was actually the ancient Chinese ruler, Yan Di. Other ancient Chinese myths have this deity as an original lord of Chi You. He is considered an indirect rival of Huang Di, and his form is often depicted as a winged demon and tiger.

The name Wangmu Niangniang is also used to refer to the woman who is the wife of the Jade Emperor. She is a beautiful woman of around thirty years old. She has changed from her ancient form of Xiwangmu (bugbear with a panther tail). She was a powerful leader of the Kunlun Mountains in West China.

This goddess is considered a queen of the heavens. Her purpose in life is to bring happiness and long life to the people. She is also credited with possessing the elixir of life. Legend has it that she once flew to the moon to eat it. This tale also inspired the Chinese Valentine’s Day.

Nuwa is a mother goddess of ancient Chinese myths and the wife of Fuxi. She was also a god of the earth, who was in a battle with Zhu Rong. She was also credited with fixing a broken pillar of heaven. She also made an appearance in the ancient book Investiture of the Gods as the goddess who laid the cornerstone for the Shang-Zhou war.

Li Tie Guai

Li Tieguai is one of the Eight Immortals of the Daoist tradition. This immortal was a crippled man who had been a devout ascetic for forty years. His body was dirty and he used a crutch to walk. Despite his physical disability, he was a compassionate deity who helped the poor and the sick.

Li Tieguai wished to be immortal and sent his most prized student to take care of his body. If he did not return in seven days, his apprentice was supposed to cremate his body. This apprentice followed the instructions but later died.

Originally a handsome young man, Li was known for his serious study of the Dao. His devotion to the Dao impressed his deity, Shouxing. He was also a doctor and was known to cure the poor. He was also a great teacher.

In addition to his ten virtues, Zhang practiced necromancy. He also drank wine, which was believed to have healing powers. This wine was also loved by other Eight Immortals. Zhang also practiced qigong and was able to fast for several days.

Yellow Dragon

The Yellow Dragon of Han Pia is a Chinese deity. It is associated with the Han dynasty. It was born from the dragon of the River Luo. Legend has it that this dragon helped the legendary Emperor Fu Xi defeat the giant monster Chi You, who was considered to be the ancestor of the Hmong People. It is also related to the other members of the Wufang Shangdi family, including the White Tiger, Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, and the Vermilion Bird. The Yellow Dragon represents Earth, one of the five elements in Chinese mythology.

The Yellow Dragon represents the element earth, which is represented by the color yellow. The Yellow Dragon also represents the changing seasons. The Dragon appears hornless, instructing Fuxi with the writing elements. In addition, the Yellow Dragon filled the hole in the sky made by the monster Gonggong.

In Chinese mythology, the dragon is the greatest creature. It is a long, snake-like creature with four legs and long claws. Some dragons have small wings. It is said to have magical powers. It is also associated with abundance and blessing. Traditionally, dragons have been symbols of the emperor. The throne of the emperor was called the Dragon Throne. The Yellow Emperor once turned into a dragon, and was enthroned on its throne.

The Yellow Emperor was able to wear clothes that featured dragon pictures. He was also said to be a morally upright man, and was the model for future Chinese emperors.

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Chinese Gods and Goddesses Revered in Homes and Temples
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