Chinese Deities Crossing Rivers


Chinese deities have long crossed the banks of the Yangtze River. A two-thousand-year-old poet named Qu Yuan is said to have written his classic “Nine Songs” in exile on a river town, and a Ming dynasty painter named Chen Hongshou created delicate portraits of river gods. Today, Tang Xiaosong, a contemporary Chinese artist, has responded to the river deities through a multimedia project called “The Skiff.”

  1. Hebo
  2. Xiwangmu
  3. Lu Dongbin


The deity crossing a river in Chinese mythology is called Hebo. He is the god of the Yellow River, a major river in northern China. This river is also one of the world’s largest rivers, and is highly significant culturally and historically for the Chinese people. Hebo’s worship is geographically widespread. Its character is closely related to the character of the river itself, and the deity can be found in many different places across China.

The Huang He River is the second longest river in China and the sixth longest river in the world. It is the birthplace of Chinese civilization and the home of the deity Hebo. The river flows through nine provinces and empties into the Bohai Sea. It is one of the most important rivers in China, and is responsible for many devastating floods.

The He Bo deity was worshipped in ancient China as the protector of the Yellow River. The river is the second longest in China, but is also the muddiest. According to legend, He Bo was created by the Celestial Emperor to help humans survive the Great Flood. In return, a mortal named Fengyi tied a rock to his back and jumped into the river as a supreme sacrifice.

Another story of the deity crossing a river is from the Korean culture. In Korea, the God of the River Amnok is Habaek. This Korean version is based on the Chinese Legend of Hebo. Hebo brought yearly flooding to the Northern Mainland. During this time, humans and animals began to be drowned in the river as sacrifices, tributes, and a means of worship.


In Chinese mythology, Xiwangmu is a goddess of immortality and queen of the immortals. She lives in a golden castle in the Kunlun Mountains. The palace is surrounded by a sensitive moat which protects the Imperial Peach Orchard, which has the juices that give immortality. Some depictions of Xiwangmu show her as a young woman with sharp teeth, while others show her as an old woman with a hunched back.

The Chinese god Xi Wangmu was worshiped as a heavenly being in the Han dynasty. She was subordinate to many great men, including the Jade Emperor. She was also married to the Jade Emperor, which robbed her of her originality and autonomy. However, Xi Wangmu and her husband had numerous children.

The classical records of the Northern Regions within the Seas contain descriptions of the goddess. These records are often accompanied by commentaries on actual depictions of the goddess. This information allows researchers to better understand how the goddess was originally portrayed. While we can’t know for certain how the goddess was portrayed, we can see the relationship between the goddess and her immortals, and how these beliefs affected the goddess’s cult.

The Chinese deity was originally the goddess of the sea, who rescued people from boats in distress. As a result, she became a patron goddess for sailors and fishermen. She was also one of the most revered deities in China and was admired by both men and women.

The Xi Wangmu Chinese deity is believed to have an entourage of emissaries and shamanic spirits. She guards the yin essence and distributes gifts during astronomical holidays and the Double Seven festival. She is also associated with the axial Tree, which unites earth and heaven. She is a key component of the shamanic journeys between worlds.

Lu Dongbin

Legend has it that a Chinese deity named Lu Dongbin once crossed a river in a boat. A tiger had just crossed it, and Lu Dongbin was on his way home. One day he met a woman who was lost. The woman offered to sleep with him but the deity refused. A few days later, he came back and saw the woman again. This time, she was wearing a beautiful dress.

In addition to his role in the river crossing, Lu Dong Bin was a physician during the Tang Dynasty. He was born into a Syriac Christian family in Xian. He was also involved in the construction of the Nestorian Monument in 781AD and had a hand in the writing of the Messiah Sutra On Trinity. Lu Dong Bin was also an outstanding student. Though he entered the government later in life, he had to retake the civil examinations.

The Chinese deity Lu Dongbin has two sons, Lu Dongbin and He Xiangu. It is unknown whether the latter was the actual Lu Dongbin, or if the former was a fictitious figure. Regardless, there is no doubt that Lu Dongbin is one of the most important and revered of all Chinese deities.

This story is one of the most unique accounts of a Chinese deity. It highlights the contradictory nature of Chinese divinities. It also emphasizes the physical side of womanhood. In addition, the deity was known as the Goddess of Childbirth. Many of these stories were based on her image.

The eight Immortals are also immortal, according to legend. These mystical beings have powers that cannot be explained in words. They can change into different things and creatures, control Qi, and predict the future. They can also heal injuries.

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Chinese Deities Crossing Rivers
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