A Deity Definition in Chinese


In Chinese, a deity is a noun. This form of the word is very rare. However, it is not unheard of. In this article, I’ll discuss Chang’e, Caishen, and Zhi Nu. You can also find some more information on Xiwangmu.

  1. Xiwangmu
  2. Caishen
  3. Zhi Nu
  4. Chang’e


Xiwangmu is one of the oldest Chinese deities. She was originally a goddess of disease and death. Over time, however, she came to be associated with wisdom and longevity. Throughout Chinese history, Xiwangmu has gone by many different names, including “Queen Mother of the West.” However, her most famous name is “Wuwen,” which means “mother of the west.” Her history and culture are among the earliest written records in the Chinese language.

The Xiwangmu deity definition is found in the Hai Nei Bei Jing, a section of the Classic of Regions Within Seas. In this passage, the deity is depicted sitting on a raised stool while holding a staff. Three green birds surround her and serve as her attendants. She was married to Dongwanggong, also known as the King Father of the East, but Xiwangmu was a more popular deity.

Xiwangmu is also known as the Golden Mother or Aunt Mother Queen, and she is an important figure in Chinese mythology. She appears in the earliest stages of Chinese mythology and was the subject of intense religious devotion in the first few centuries of the present era. In the early texts, she was described as wild and feral, although in Tang Dynasty texts, she appears as a human. Despite her human appearance, she retained some of the beastly traits she was thought to have acquired during her incarnation. Consequently, she was usually seen wearing a headdress and concealing her hair.

Xiwangmu is one of the oldest and most powerful goddesses in Chinese mythology. She once ruled as a wild demon, but eventually repented and became a goddess. She presides over life and death and is married to the Jade Emperor.

Xiwangmu is often associated with immortality. She is often seen holding a peach that gives eternal life. According to one legend, Xiwangmu bestowed these divine fruits to Chinese emperors.


In Chinese folk religion, the Caishen deity is a mythological figure who is associated with wealth and money. He is often depicted riding a tiger and surrounded by attendants, and he is most revered during the Chinese New Year. He is thought to bless people with wealth and prosperity, and has taken the form of warriors, statesmen, and even a king. In Chinese history, there have been several large temples dedicated to Caishen, including a temple in the city of Zhouzhi.

The symbolism of Caishen is varied, but he is always the wise sage who understands people, economics, and the basic principles of good government. This god uses his knowledge and talents to help others. Often, he takes on governing roles, such as protecting the land. However, the deity will always die, and it is often peacefully. This is a contrast to the death of Caishen’s followers, who are often depicted as egotistical and selfish.

The earliest appearance of Caishen dates back to 2nd millennium BC. He is often depicted riding a black tiger and carrying an iron or golden rod. Although the exact origin of Caishen is not clear, the god has a long history of blessing the Chinese and is invoked more than any other god. The Chinese believe that invoking Caishen will bring them prosperity in the upcoming year. However, despite his popularity, it is not enough to attract wealth.

While the Caishen deity has been incorporated into Chinese culture for centuries, the TRAB categorizes it as a feudal superstition, and Nestle’s claim to trademark the symbol of the deity was rejected. Despite Nestle’s efforts, the court affirmed the TRAB’s decision that the symbolism could not be deemed a trade mark.

The deities are named after their characteristics. In the Chinese worldview, there are innumerable gods. Each flow of energy and phenomenon can be attributed to a god, and each god is organised into an elaborate celestial hierarchy. Some of these deities are Confucian or Taoist in origin, while others are mythical figures.

Zhi Nu

Zhi Nu is the goddess of weaving for the gods. She is the daughter of Shangti, the god of the sky. She was born in heaven, where she watched the earth and its inhabitants from among the stars. Her father gave her permission to visit earth. When she arrived, she left her clothes on the bank of a stream and went swimming. When she returned to heaven, she discovered a young man named Niu Lang, who fell in love with her. The pair reunited only once a year to weave clothes for the gods.

Zhi Nu is also known as the God of Happiness, the God of Good Fortune, and the God of Marriage. Traditionally, he is depicted wearing lucky red clothes and has the star Jupiter as its scepter. In Chinese culture, he is associated with immortality, wealth, and luck. In the Daoist tradition, the Zhi Nu deity is associated with longevity and good fortune.

The Zhi Nu deity definition in Chinese has several versions. In one form, he is the ‘God of Culture and Literature’. Another version is the ‘God of Wealth and Prosperity’. In Chinese culture, he is one of three candidates for the title. The first candidate was the hermit Zhao Gong Ming, who lived on Emei mountain during the Shang dynasty. Zhao was said to have ridden a black tiger and had magic pearls that would explode like grenades when touched. He was ultimately killed by Jiang Ziya. Afterward, Zhao was made the god of wealth and prosperity, and he is often represented as a pair of figures.

The other deity of the Zhi Nu deity definition in Chinese is the Goddess of the Blue Moon. In the ancient times, the Zhi Nu deity was associated with the Goddess of Childbirth, and in some places, this deity was worshipped by parents. In the ancient times, the Zhi Nu deity had many roles in human life, and was revered in temples and palaces.

The Zhi Nu deity definition in Chinese reveals the origins of this deity. He was once a ferocious monster, but after his transformation into a deity, he lost the beastly aspects of his nature. Today, he is depicted as a human and benevolent force, and has many aspects of human nature.


A Chang’e deity definition in Chinese will help you understand the goddess’s significance in the Chinese world. Chang’e is a goddess who lived in ancient China and was a wife of the mythical archer Hou Yi. Chang’e is known for her beauty, her immortality, and her connection to the moon. She also gained fame for ascending to the moon with her white rabbit companion, Yu Tu.

The Chang’e deity definition in Chinese is often associated with the moon, but is also found in other cultures. In a traditional Chinese tale, the emperor Xiwangmu sent a potion to the moon, and Chang’e stole it and sipped it. In some versions, Chang’e turns into an ugly toad, which is depicted on some Han iconography. In others, she becomes a rabbit and is known as the Jade Rabbit.

Chang’e is sometimes confused with Changxi, another lunar deity in Chinese mythology. Changxi gave birth to the twelve moons in Chinese mythology. These moons are the basis of the Chinese lunar calendar. While the two are related, the Song Dynasty reduced Changxi’s status and his attributes were absorbed into those of Chang’e.

Chang’e’s story is a popular one among the Chinese. It’s a romance and a mythical warning against selfish ambition. The Chang’e story is one of the most ancient myths of China. Traditionally, it’s told on the night of the full moon. In the modern day, Chang’e is celebrated during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Chang’e is also known as the wife of Mugong, the Lord of Spirits. She protects the male spirits in Donghua. When she became mortal, she became melancholic. Her husband Hou Yi, a human, sought out a mysterious woman who could provide him with pills that would grant immortality. This woman allegedly had only two pills left. If she drank them, she would become a god.

The Chinese have many myths about Chang’e. In Chinese mythology, Chang’e is a toad who was punished by the gods for stealing and was cast into an eternal life on the moon. The Chang’e deity definition in Chinese is quite different.

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A Deity Definition in Chinese
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