Chinese Deity Family Tree


Wendi (Wen Di) is a Chinese deity.

Wendi (Wen Di) is the deity who protects humans from evil spirits. She was a Buddhist and had a lineage of emperors. In his lifetime, Emperor Wendi ruled over China for eight years and was responsible for uniting the country by establishing Buddhism. She had six children and shared the role of the empress with her husband. She also ordered the disbanding of private armies and centralizing control during her reign. She also enacted many reforms, including giving soldiers land to settle and extending towns to the empire’s borders.

In early Chinese history, Wendi was worshipped as a civil and martial affairs deity. Later, her lineage developed into several sub-deities, some of which were more developed than others. However, all were revered and worshipped by the Chinese people.

The goddess of the sea is worshipped primarily in coastal regions in China and Southeast Asia. She is also called Tin Hau, which means “heavenly Empress.” In Chinese mythology, she was a mortal girl born in Fujian who learned Taoist arts and saved her father and brother from typhoons. She later died and became the patron saint of fishermen and seafarers throughout China.

Caishen is a Chinese god of material wealth.

In Chinese mythology, Caishen is a god of material wealth and prosperity. He is the Heavenly Treasurer-in-Chief. He was a mortal general who fought for Emperor Zhou in the past. In one story, he rode a tiger into battle, armed with pearls that exploded as he fought, and wielded a rod of iron. Today, Caishen is considered a material wealth god and is worshiped throughout the country.

The Chinese have long revered Caishen, a god of wealth and prosperity who is often depicted riding on a black tiger and accompanied by attendants. Caishen is especially revered during the Chinese New Year when it is believed that the god will bring prosperity to people. Although Caishen is a god of material wealth and prosperity, he is not an unwise or wasteful man.

The god Caishen has many names. Cao Bao is the Caishen of the West, while Zhao Gongming is the Caishen of the Center. According to Chinese mythology, Caishen is a form of Gefion, the ancient Norse Goddess of abundance and fertility. The symbol of Gefion is the plow, which represents prosperity. King Gylfi gifted Gefion land to plow with her four sons, and she and her sons pushed the ground.

Xiwangmu (Xi Wang Mu) is the Queen Mother of the West

The Queen Mother of the West is one of the oldest Chinese deities and a mighty goddess. She was once a wild demon, but she repented and became a goddess, presiding over life and death. She is the mother of several important deities, including Yanguang Niangniang, Zhusheng Niangniang, and Zhinu.

The Queen Mother of the West is often referred to as “the Great Mother Archetype.” She represents the unity of life throughout nature. She is also the personification of all that is sacred on Earth. She is believed to have originated during the Shang dynasty of China (circa 1500 BCE) and is a member of the Daoist pantheon. She is also a key figure in the Chinese deity family tree.

According to Chinese mythology, Xiwangmu, the Queen Mother of the West, was the first goddess to visit the Earth. The emperor saw her on the seventh day of the seventh month, a festival known as Qixi (Evening of Sevens). During this time, she gave the emperor five peaches and took seven.

Xiwangmu is a Chinese warlord.

In the mythology of China, Xiwangmu is a legendary warrior who rides a phoenix. He is also often associated with a tiger. A child and a purple cloud also draw his chariot.

He is considered one of the Chinese pantheon’s most influential and ancient goddesses. In his early life, Xiwangmu was a wild tiger woman. Jade Maidens and other supernatural creatures guarded his magical garden in the Kunlun Mountains.

He is the deity who can communicate directly with heaven. His peach tree is believed to act as a bridge between heaven and Earth. He has the Mandate of Heaven, considered the divine right to rule. The Mandate of Heaven was attributed to the emperor of the Shanxi Empire. This emperor was the first to claim the Mandate of Heaven.

He has several different titles, including “God of War.” He is also known as “The Dragon King” or “the Dragon King.” He was a legendary warrior in Chinese mythology who served under Liu Bi in the Han Dynasty. The mythology also says he was a righteous and loyal man. He served in several important roles in the Chinese religion, receiving the title of Marquis Zhuangmu forty years after his death.

Guanyin is a goddess of mercy.

Guanyin’s piety and devotion have been the subject of numerous stories and legends. The legend of her reincarnation is said to be based on the life of Shancai, a young boy from India who heard about a mysterious Buddhist teacher named Guanyin living on an isolated island in the middle of the sea. Shancai was born with a paralyzed leg, but he decided to seek out Guanyin for a cure.

In Chinese mythology, Guanyin is a female deity whose name is derived from the Chinese character for mercy. She represents infinite compassion and is often depicted wearing a flowing white robe. She is also often portrayed holding a vase of water and a willow branch. In the deity family tree, Guanyin is a mother figure but is not a wife.

In addition to being a Buddhist goddess, Guanyin is a bodhisattva who is known for her compassion. Bodhisattvas are the highest level of Buddhists. They may pass into nirvana but choose to stay on Earth to alleviate the suffering of all living creatures and help others achieve enlightenment. Her earliest mention in China is in the Chinese translation of the Lotus Sutra, in which Guanyin makes a vow to save all living beings.


The Chinese deity Nuwa is a famous creation goddess associated with marriage and fertility. According to two popular origin myths, Nuwa created humanity by creating people from clay and repopulating the world after a flood. Nevertheless, she is rarely depicted as a human.

Some scholars believe that Nuwa was responsible for the creation of humans. In the myth of Liezi, Nuwa melted five kinds of stones, each one a different color. She then carved the legs of a giant tortoise and placed them in the sky to stabilize it.

Now, who is considered a deity of rebirth and creation, is often associated with rebirth. Her role in crafting human beings needs to be clarified. However, most scholars agree that she prepared humanity from river clay. As a result, she can create both human and animal life.


A deity of the Chinese god Nuwa, Fuxi helped humankind create new technologies. He is also credited with the domestication of livestock because he believed that keeping animals around was better than hunting. He also helped humans invent money and gifts to help them obtain food. Modern historians believe that the story of Fuxi represents the transition from a Stone Age society to a modern civilization.

As the ancestor of humanity, Fuxi is a crucial figure in China’s deity family tree. However, his role in creation was less important than what he gave humanity after he was created. His story is also important in China’s legendary history. While the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors are not taken literally, they are considered an essential part of Chinese culture. Fuxi is also credited with creating human culture, domestication, cooking, and writing. He was also counted among the Three Sovereigns at the start of the Chinese dynasty.

Fuxi’s family tree includes two children named Nuwa and Fuxi. Both were born to a little-known goddess named Huaxu. Huaxu gave birth to Fuxi and Nuwa, and the myths surrounding their family tree are very diverse.

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Chinese Deity Family Tree
The God of War is a Chinese Deity