Chinese Water Deity Mythology


Nuwa, the Chinese water deity, was created from the legs of a giant turtle, called Ao. After the pillar fell, she used the legs to replace it. By doing this, she ended floods and the suffering that came with them. However, she could not change the tilted earth and sky, nor could she alter the effects of the sun or stars.

  1. Gonggong
  2. Hukhlyak
  3. Seb


The Chinese water deity Gonggong is a major figure in mythology. According to the legend, the deity knocked the Earth’s axis off-center and tilted the sky towards the northwest. This is why the sun and moon are tilted towards the northwest, which explains why rivers in China flow to the east. Gonggong also played a significant role in the creation of the earth’s natural features.

The story of Gonggong goes back several centuries. According to legend, the water god had an unhappy disposition. He was unhappy with the rigid hierarchy of things. He was also unsatisfied with the mundane tasks that arose in heaven, such as filling out tedious paperwork. As a result, he rebelled and fought against the Jade Emperor.

The legend of Gonggong tells of a battle with other gods to conquer the world. In the process, he broke a pillar of heaven. This god is known for his anger and vanity. As a result, he is usually cast out of the world and sent to exile.

According to the Chinese mythology, the Chinese water deity Gonggong is a god of water. In ancient times, he battled with the fire god Zhu Rong from heaven and the heavens. However, he was unable to overcome the power of the sun. In an attempt to gain control, Gonggong smashed his head against the Buzhou Mountain, one of the eight pillars of the sky. This caused massive floods and the water god was unable to conquer his rival.

Gonggong was fighting for the throne of heaven. During the battle, he lost control of his troops and his hopes of dominion. He then fled to Mount Buzhou, which had been holding up the sky since ancient times. The fall caused the earth to tilt, causing great floods and much suffering. Gonggong’s defeat gave Nuwa the opportunity to mend the sky.


Hukhlyak, the Chinese water deity, is considered the patron of sailors and fishermen. She is one of the most popular deities in all of China and is worshiped by both men and women. Her legend began when she saved people in trouble while on a boat and became the patron of these people.

Hukhlyak is related to other water deities. Saga, the goddess of wisdom, lives near water. In Lincolnshire, the local deity was the Tiddy Mun, who had the power to control the floods. Other ancient deities of water include Poseidon, the Olympian god of the sea and king of the sea gods. Another water deity is the Potamoi, deities of rivers and lakes. These deities are descendants of Oceanus and the Oceanids. In the Zoroastrian religion, the goddess of the ocean, Tishtrya, is related to the water spirits. Her attributes include fertility and life-giving rainfall.


The Chinese water deity Seb is the patron goddess of fishermen and sailors, and she protects them from dangers of the sea. This goddess has long been one of the most popular deities in all of China, and she is revered by both men and women. But when the Communist Party took control of the country in 1949 CE, she and the other gods were banned from public worship. Although the Chinese government no longer recognizes her, she is still revered in many homes today.

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Chinese Water Deity Mythology
Chinese Deities