Ancient Chinese Shu Deity Masks


If you are interested in ancient Chinese shu deity masks, there are several factors that you should take into consideration. The most crucial factor is the age and quality of the piece. For example, a bronze mask from a few hundred years ago will have different features and characteristics from a modern bronze. It would help if you also noted any adornments on the piece.

Can Cong

Ancient Chinese myths attribute the ability to craft silk and cultivate silkworms to Can Cong, the king of Shu. According to the Chronicles of Huayang, an ancient Chinese gazetteer describing southwest China, Can Cong taught the old Shu people how to make silk. In addition to being a great king, Can Cong is believed to have powerful hearing and seeing powers. According to legend, he is the first king of the Shu kingdom.

One of the most striking features of a song is its appearance. It is a long, cylindrical tube that gently tapers at the top. It has a circular hole in the middle. Cong was initially made to represent the earth and was shaped like bracelets. Their polished surfaces are indicative of ceremonial objects and suggest their great significance.

Ancient Shu people practiced a sacrificial life and religious rituals. Their bronze god statues and wares were symbolic of these practices. One such statue stands 2.62 meters tall and wears ceremonial garb. It is mounted on a cloud-patterned base and holds a sacred vessel. It is believed to be a hybrid of a god, a wizard, and a king.


In ancient Chinese culture, Shu deities were worshiped and often represented as animals or birds. The story of the Shu deities goes back thousands of years. Legends have it that the ancestors worshipped them with gifts and offerings. In a fourth-century gazetteer, Chronicles of Huayang, Cancong was mentioned as the founder of the Shu kingdom. He also taught the region’s people how to produce silk. The Chronicles of Huayang also says that Can Cong had protruding or vertical eyes. Some scholars have speculated that the image of Can Cong is a representation of this figure.

Another vital relic discovered at Sanxingdui is an ancient shu deity mask. This bronze mask was initially used to decorate a small pillar. The eyes and mouth were painted red. This technique was unusual in ancient China, but at Sanxingdui, many of these bronzes were painted and decorated.

The discovery of the masks suggests that the Ancient Shu people may have had cultural communications with other civilizations before the Silk Road was constructed. Whether or not this was true, the ancient Shu people were fascinating. It is fascinating to learn about their culture and their artifacts.

Archaeologists have also discovered a 3,000-year-old gold shu deity mask. It weighs about half a pound and is 84 percent gold. The show is one of the ancient Chinese culture’s most prominent face masks. It may have been a priest’s mask during religious ceremonies. The discovery also revealed a series of gold objects found in sacrificial pits.

Cang Qian

The Cang Qian ancient Chinese shu-deity mask has a long history and is considered a precious artifact. Several passages in Laozi’s book support the immortality cult. In one inscription, the Laozi is described as a creator deity, equal in status to the Sun, moon, and stars. He has appeared on earth many times, saving humanity from many disasters. According to legend, he will return one day to shake the Han dynasty.

Can Cong’s eyes

The eyes on an ancient Chinese shu deity mask symbolize the ancient Shu king Can Cong. The king taught the old Shu people how to make silk. His totem was the silkworm. The Chronicles of Huayang, a fourth-century gazetteer of southwest China, mentions that Can Cong was immortal and that he had “vertical eyes.” This means that his eyes protrude and are vertical.

The eyes on an ancient Chinese shu deity mask can signify various things, including the king’s societal position. The eyes and ears are an essential part of the character, and the shape is often symbolic of his powers of vision and hearing. Many of these ancient Chinese deities have protruding eyes, which are believed to represent his great hearing and seeing.

Some ancient Chinese masks have eyes that protrude, while others do not have this defining feature. A few bronze and ivory masks have eyes that protrude, but these features are not easily deciphered. Later Chinese traditions discourage painting the eyes of supernatural forces.

Taotie motif

The taotie motif can be seen on several ancient Chinese shu deity masks. The motif is often depicted as a standing bird on the mask’s handle. In addition, the lid of the show features two prominent animal masks, a buffalo head at the front and a ram head at the back. In addition, various animals with horns fill the spaces between these two ghostly figures.

The taotie motif is often found on bronze dings and ritual bronze vessels dating from the Shang (1766-1046 BCE) and Zhou (1046-256 BCE). Typically, the taotie motif is a zoomorphic mask that is frontal or bilaterally symmetrical. The taotie motif can also be seen on painted pottery shards.

The taotie motif is also found on ancient Chinese bronze vessels. In addition to the taotie motif, this motif often comprises realistic images of living animals. In southern China, for example, the depictions of animals were more accurate than those found in northern China. In the north of China, fantastic animals such as dragons were common. Taotie is one of the most common mythical images of ancient Chinese shu deity masks. Taotie depicts an animal or bird with a frontal, animal-like face, horns, ears, snout, fangs, and eyebrows.

The Taotie motif is often a symbol of good luck and protection in ancient Chinese mythology. The kui dragon, a symbol of good fortune, is another common motif on taotie masks—the lei when thunder design is another symbol that may represent animist beliefs.

Mycenae masks

The ancient Chinese shu deity embodies the heavenly spirit, and the Chinese believe this divine spirit is present in the physical world. As such, it’s not surprising that ancient Chinese civilizations created gold masks. The Mycenae mask is an example of this. Other famous gold masks include the Agamemnon mask from ancient Greece, the Tutankhamun mask from ancient Egypt, and the Xipe Totec mask from Aztec culture.

The goddess of the Sun was a significant figure in Greek mythology, and the same god may have influenced the Chinese. The ancient Shu civilization worshipped the Sun, which they believed to be a god of fertility. Thus, wearing gold masks gave the wearer the appearance of the sun god.

Recently, Chinese archeologists announced the discovery of new gold masks at the Sanxingdui Ruins site in southwest China. One of the most significant finds is a gold mask dating back 3,000 years. The show is made from gold and is one of the most prominent face masks in the Shu civilization. According to Ran Honglin, a researcher at the site, “the mask was probably used in a sacrificial ritual.”

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Ancient Chinese Shu Deity Masks
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