Chinese Deity List


Chinese deities are essential to the Chinese people. Some people consider them a source of luck and good health. Others believe in them for a variety of reasons. Here’s a list of deities and their meanings. They’re also essential to the Chinese literary tradition. Read on to learn more about their origins and the ways they are represented in art.

Cheng Ho

Cheng Ho is an essential Chinese deity who is worshipped throughout the country. He is a hero of the Daoist religion and is often associated with feng shui. He was also a popular god in the Ku-Tien region and known as Ch’en Ching-Ku. Some sources refer to Cheng Ho as a reincarnation of the legendary sage Hsiao-tsu. Other popular deities include Ma-time and Wu Chen-Jen.

The name of the deity is also associated with the ancestors of the people living in the area. The legend of his ancestors is derived from inscriptions from the early Chinese period. Ma Huan accompanied Cheng Ho on three later expeditions. The legend narrates that Ma-tsu protected the area from evil spirits.

Cheng Ho is also believed to have influenced the religious practices of several regions. The southeastern provinces were mainly devoted to Cheng Ho. This may have led to a false impression of her popularity.


Caishen is a Chinese deity revered as a god of wealth and prosperity. He is mainly worshiped during the Chinese New Year. In addition, he is also regarded as the father of Chinese traditional medicine. The Chinese believed Caishen had a book containing 365 traditional remedies that could transform iron into gold.

Another name for Caishen is the Chengdu Emperor, who is considered the creator of China. His description can be found under the Legendary Era. Caishen’s cult is rooted in Buddhism, but there are many other names for him. In addition to Caishen, other deities are associated with this region.

Another popular deity is Wen Chang wang. He is associated with four acolytes and a servant. Other vital deities associated with him include the Celestial Deaf Man and the Earthly Dumb Man. Among his acolytes is Kuixing, a fat dwarf with a demon face who brings luck in examinations.


Xiwangmu is an ancient goddess from China. She is considered a dispenser of immortality, longevity, and prosperity. Her divine teachings can only be experienced through faith, love, and meditation. Her ancient worship was widespread and has led to countless temples dedicated to her.

The name translates to “Lord of Heaven” or “Extraordinary Being.” The ancient Chinese believed the gods controlled the weather, the harvest, and the kingdom’s fate. Though the ordinary people revered these gods, emperors generally did not pay much heed to them. They regarded Heaven as the supreme ruler and referred to themselves as “Sons of Heaven.”

Xiwangmu’s role in the ancient Chinese pantheon is largely unknown outside China, although her influence in the region of ancient China is undeniable. She is often depicted as a beautiful woman but can also be described as old. She wears a headdress with intricate decorations in most depictions and is in a court. She is also said to be the guardian of the Peach of Immortality.


In ancient Chinese mythology, the sea goddess Yinyanggong was the goddess of rescue and was often worshipped by fishermen and sailors. Her role was to protect them from danger, and she was considered one of China’s most popular deities. Men and women alike worshiped her for a variety of reasons. Listed below are some of her most common roles.

Laotianye is also known as “the Old Heavenly Father.” Another name for him is “Deep-Green Heaven.” Those who worship him are considered wealthy, prosperous, and wise. His statue is often found at roadside shrines.

The Chinese concept of gods is based on the structure of human government. They imagine their gods in human terms. Similarly, the Jade Emperor in Heaven corresponds to the human Son of Heaven, and each bureaucrat-god has a specific function or domain.

Lu Dongbin

The Chinese deity list includes Lu Dongbin as one of the Eight Immortals. He is often described as a heavy drinker and womanizer. Legend has it that he used his powers to sleep with women and even attempted to seduce the bodhisattva Guanyin. However, this tradition is treated as a footnote and is rarely considered necessary in popular culture.

The Chengdu Emperor is also included in this list, as he is often referred to as the creator of China. According to legend, he was born in Shandong and granted the ability to ride the clouds. His name translates to “Craftsman God” and “Spirit of the Universe.”

Another interesting fact about Lu is that he was a shepherd. He was once approached by a tiger who was eyeing his goats. However, the buyer refused to pay him in full and walked away. When this happened, Lu stepped in between the tiger and the buyer, and the tiger fled without harming him. Another story about Lu Dongbin involves a beggar who begged for money and threw vulgar words at him. He then walked away, smiled, and left the scene as he had entered it.


Xiao is known for his hardened exterior, but he has a soft heart and is protective of the Traveler. When the Traveler calls his name, Xiao appears to protect him. His stoic exterior is a result of life experience. Xiao is the first of five Yaksha. The other Yaksha are Bosacius, Indarias, and Menogias.

This god is closely related to the god of wealth and prosperity, but his name is different from his other name. His official title is fun, which means “supervisor of fortune.” His name is Yang Gong, and he was a regional inspector in Daozhou, China, during the Tang period (618-907). He ended the Emperor’s desire for dwarfs and brought prosperity to the area.

Another version of the story has Xiao as a mountain spirit. A third version states that Qi killed Boys. Regardless of the level, Xiao is on the Chinese deity list for three reasons.

Xing Tian

The presence of Xing Tian on the Chinese deity list is significant, notably as China has expanded its space exploration program. The country has put people into orbit around the Earth and has landed robots on the Moon. Shortly, the government plans to build a giant space lab and conduct human-crewed landings on the Moon and Mars. Wu Chang, the leader of a rebellion against the Qin dynasty, is another prominent figure on the deity list. He often appears as a door guardian in Daoist temples.

The legendary legend of Xing Tian has the hero’s life story. He was born in the year 755 into a family of officials. After encountering a fire dragon, he traveled to Jiangxi and Chang’an to fight them. Han Zhongli later challenged him to prove his magical prowess by completing ten tasks. His arduous tasks included killing dragons and preventing natural disasters.

Another popular deity of Chinese mythology is Cheng Huang, a Chinese version of the Buddhist Brahma. This deity is often depicted wearing lucky red clothes. His star is Jupiter. Other deities include Er Wang (E Huang) and Nu Ying (Nu Ying), the two daughters of Emperor Yao and Emperor Shun. The Chinese deity list includes Xihe (Xi He), the mother of the ten suns. While Xing Tian may have been created in mythology, why he was so crucial to Chinese culture is still being determined.

Men Shen

The second mythical Emperor of ancient China, Men Shen-Nung, is often considered the father of Chinese medicine. He reigned during the period of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. Also known as the Emperor of the Five Grains, his name translates as “Divine Farmer.” Because of his contributions to agricultural practices, Men Shen is honored with an annual harvest festival.

Another deity on the list is Qianlong. In his many depictions, Qianlong is pictured holding a gold nugget and a wand. He is worshiped around the Chinese New Year, and his festival date is the 15th day of the third lunar month. In this way, he is similar to Santa Claus among the Chinese deities.

Another vital god in Chinese culture is the Jade Emperor. Like the Buddhist god Shangdi, the Jade Emperor was considered the supreme ruler of Heaven. His power was so great that it was said he could command the kings of hell and all sorts of spirits. The story of Journey to the West shows him ruling over Heaven. The Jade Emperor is also a Taoist god. His prominence in Chinese culture dates back to the Song Emperor Zhenzong, who claimed to have made contact with the Jade Emperor.

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Chinese Deity List
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