Chinese Figure Bump on Head Deity


Laughing Buddha

The Chinese figure bumping on the head deity laughing Buddha is a famous religious icon and brings joyful blessings to those who worship him. He symbolizes abundance and peace and patronizes children and the poor. This statue can be found in many shapes and sizes and comes in various materials and colors. The laughing Buddha is often placed near the main entrance of a home. It is also a popular religious decoration in restaurants and bars.

While other cultures may portray Buddha as a svelte figure god-like in fitness, the “Laughing Buddha” is a crucial indicator of Chinese Buddhist art. As a result, this religious figure is often depicted as overweight. The Chinese believe that happiness is the ultimate goal in life, so they represent the Buddha as a happy and obese figure.


The bump on the head of a Chinese deity is a typical representation of luck. The Laughing Buddha (Hotei or Pu-Tai) is said to bring luck, prosperity, and abundance. The figure is based on the life of an eccentric monk who lived ten centuries ago. He is considered an incarnation of a bodhisattva, eventually emerging as the Maitreya.

Shou xing Shou Xing

Shouting is one of the most revered deities in traditional Chinese mythology. He is usually depicted as an older man with a bald head, high brow, and often smiling. He is a god of longevity. He is also revered as a benevolent and wise figure.

The deity is associated with longevity and is often depicted holding a peach and a gourd, both symbols of immortality. His elixir of life, which he was said to possess, is usually held in his hand. His other name is Nanji Lauren, which means “goat of immortality.” He is also associated with the Canopus star at the South Pole.

In traditional Chinese mythology, Shouxing was born as a baby and spent ten years in his mother’s womb. He was considered auspicious and was responsible for determining the lifespans of all mortals on Earth. He was similar to the Norns and Fates of Greek mythology.

Guan Yin

Guan Yin is the personification of abstract concepts. Her name means “mother of mercy,” Buddhists and Taoists revere her. She has been depicted with various hand gestures, known as mudras. Each of these gestures has a specific meaning.

Guan Yin is usually depicted wearing a flowing white robe and a necklace of Indian or Chinese royalty. She is also often shown with a vase of pure water. This represents the Eight Symbols of Good Fortune in Chinese culture, and it is believed that the water in the vase can alleviate sickness and suffering. A willow branch is also often held in her hands.

Guan Yin’s original name is Avalokitesvara, which means Observer of the world. Her other names include Guan Shi Yin and Guan Zhi Zai. Even though her actual name is Avalokitesvara, Guan Yin is often referred to by her more famous name, Guan Yin.

Kuan Yin is the goddess of mercy in East Asia. Her name translates as “Goddess of Mercy.” Christian travelers noticed a similarity between her and the Virgin Mary. Kuan Yin has compassion and is believed to grant children to infertile women. She is often depicted with a child, sometimes two young children.

Guan Yin’s incarnation is described in the Precious Scroll of Fragrant Mountain, or Xiang Shan Bao Juan. A Buddhist monk wrote the scroll during the 11th century. He believed that Guan Yin was the daughter of King Zhuanyan’s daughter, Miao Shan. This princess eventually left her home and became Guan Yin.

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Chinese Figure Bump on Head Deity
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