Chinese Deity With Baby Buddha on Robe Pictures


Whether you have a baby Buddha at home or want to honor your Buddhist beliefs, there are many options for robe pictures that feature a Chinese deity. Some popular choices are Guanyin, Quan Yin, and Avalokitesvara. These are all great choices.


Chinese deities with baby Buddhas on their robes are known as bodhisattvas. These Buddhist deities are worshipped in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao, as well as in the Chinese diaspora around the world. It is believed that the bodhisattvas were first introduced to China during the first centuries CE when they crossed the seas on trade routes from India. Later on, the deity was established as a feminine deity during the Yuan dynasty (1206-1368).

Guanyin is another bodhisattva, and is the embodiment of compassion and kindness. She has thirty-four or more visible arms, and nine hundred symbolic arms. She has two bottommost hands, each containing a single eye. She also has twenty-two uppermost hands.

Quan Yin

A Chinese deity with a baby Buddha on its robe has a number of meanings. The baby Buddha is associated with maternity and is associated with the goddess Guanyin. The baby Buddha is often depicted in pictures of Guanyin holding an infant, as well as in pictures of the goddess with two children or a warrior. The children, of course, are acolytes, but the warriors are usually historical figures from the late Han dynasty. These bodhisattvas are thought to protect the temple and the faith.

The baby Buddha is also known as Guanyin, the goddess of mercy in Chinese culture. Many Chinese communities worship her, and many of them even have statues of Guanyin in their homes. Several of her incarnations have been depicted on robes, and her statues are found in temples throughout East and Southeast Asia. Guanyin was also a popular deity in Taoism, and was even said to be immortal.

In East Asia Buddhism, Guanyin is worshipped in both male and female forms, though the Chinese deity is most often portrayed in the female form. In fact, the female form of Guanyin is very similar to the female buddha Tara and the bodhisattva Tara. As such, Guanyin and Tara are often confused. Both are part of the Padmakula buddha family.


The Chinese call the deity Avalokiteshvara by its literary name Guanyin. The name is a translation from the Pali for “watching sounds.” He is one of the most popular Buddhist deities among the Chinese. His robes are usually decorated with flowers and jewelry to represent his importance and power.

Throughout Asia, the deity is usually represented as a female. However, he was also portrayed as a male in some cultures. His most famous representation in China is as a tiny child. Another popular bronze figure is Tara, the consort of Avalokitesvara and a bodhisattva. Tara is typically modeled as voluptuous, with lotus flowers rising from her shoulders.

Avalokitesvara is a deity revered throughout Asia and the Buddhist world. He is referred to as the Lord of Compassion and has many names in other cultures. In China, he is also known as the Guanyin deity, which means “perceiver of sounds” in Chinese. Throughout history, he has protected the world and has helped countless people. His many miracles include freeing people from lust and hatred and granting children to infertile women.

Avalokitesvara was a Bodhisattva who sought to bring happiness to all sentient beings. In Sri Lanka, he was worshipped as Natha. The Tamil Buddhist tradition states that Avalokitesvara taught the Vedic language Tamil. The abhayagiri vihara’s Tamraparniyan Mahayana sect helped spread Avalokitesvara’s worship.

Palden Lhamo

The Chinese deity with the baby Buddha on its robe is called Guanyin. It is the embodiment of altruism. The robe pictures of Guanyin show her sitting on a lotus pedestal with thirty to fifty visible arms and more than 950 symbolic ones. Her hands are divided into two groups: the bottom-most hands hold an ingot while her palms are joined. Her hands are also seen with her knees bent, a sign of her crippled state.

Guanyin, the mother of Buddha Amitabha, is the most common deity depicted on the robe. In Tibetan Buddhism, she is known as Chenrezig. Although she is usually depicted as a female, she is also represented in a male form. She is very similar to boddhisattva Tara and buddha Tara, which is why she is often confused with the latter. Bodhisattvas are a subset of Buddhas in the Mahayana tradition. These deities are devoted to saving the world from evil and suffering.

Guanyin is the most commonly depicted Buddhist deity in China. Her name is derived from the Chinese literary translation of Avalokitesvara, which means “observer of sounds.” She is considered to be the most popular Buddhist deity in China.

Guanyin as a bodhisattva

The image of Guanyin as a bodhisatta on robe pictures is very common, and is derived from a traditional form of the goddess, Pandaravasini. Although the form of Guanyin on robe pictures is a common image of the goddess, it is important to understand the history of this form. The term bodhisatta refers to a enlightened being who can take on 33 different manifestations. The most famous of these forms is the White-robed Guanyin, who has played an interesting role in the history of Chinese art.

In the Chinese tradition, Guanyin is considered a bodhisattva and teacher. She is a representation of Buddhist doctrines and practices, as well as Taoism and Confucianism. She is believed to save people from extreme suffering. In fact, Caodaism has a prayer called the Salvation from Sufferings, which is dedicated to Guanyin.

Another form of Guanyin on robe pictures is Guanyin as the Nine-Lotus Bodhisattva. In this form, Guanyin is seen in a feminine pose, often holding a child. This portrayal represents the maternal understanding of Guanyin. It also represents the Empress Dowager Cisheng, a devout Buddhist who has associated herself with Guanyin.

Quan Yin as a mother deity

While there are no studies of Quan Yin as a mother goddess, her cult is one of the most popular forms of spiritual worship in the West. Women are much more likely to worship her than men are, and some claim that Quan Yin is closely related to Isis and Virgin Mary. However, scholars of religion view such comparisons as misleading.

The cult of Quan yin traces its origins to pre-patriarchal Asia. The earliest Buddhist texts describe the deity as a male. Consequently, Quan yin was not depicted as a female until the sixth century a.d., and her appearance as a female was subsequently adopted by the Chinese and Japanese.

The most popular images of Quan Yin depict her as a barefoot woman wearing a flowing white robe. She may be holding a lotus or a vase, which represents both healing and purity. In addition, she may be holding pearls, which symbolize illumination, and a bowl of rice seeds, which represent fertility. Other popular images depict the deity with multiple arms holding different cosmic symbols. Alternatively, she may be depicted as standing on a fish.

Quan Yin’s gender is not determined by the name, but there are some Buddhist traditions that refer to her as a female. In Buddhism, she is also revered as the Goddess of Mercy.

Quan Yin as a bodhisattva

Chinese deities that are often depicted with a baby Buddha on a robe include Guanyin and Avalokiteshvara. Avalokiteshvara is an enlightened being who can take on 33 different manifestations and is known as the bodhisattva of compassion. Guanyin is a Buddhist deity who represents omnipresent motherhood. Her images are also depicted with a lotus, a symbol of purity and peace.

One of the most famous of these robe pictures depicts Guanyin as the Nine-Lotus Bodhisattva, in her feminine form. She stands in a palatial garden, holding a baby buddha. She is surrounded by two worshipers, one with a shaved head and the other wearing a long robe under a monk’s robe. The image may refer to a sacred site in ancient India or a miraculous event. It may also be the story of a famous image that flew from Sravasti to Khotan, the renowned Buddhist city of medieval China.

Guan Yin is also known as the goddess of wealth and prosperity. She is often depicted with a child on her knees or in her arms. Her other attributes include the robe, necklace, and a jar of water. She is associated with the concept of abundance, peace, and abundance, and is a protector of the faith. Among her attendants is the Lung-wang Nu, the daughter of the Dragon-king.

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Chinese Deity With Baby Buddha on Robe Pictures
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