Prayers to the Fertility Chinese Deity


If you are a Chinese believer, you can pray to the fertility Chinese deity Zhu Sheng Niang. This deity is believed to help people have babies. If you are looking to pray to this goddess, you should know that you must give specific information about your child. For example, you must tell the fertility goddess your parents’ names, your birth location, and your gender preference.


Hotei, the Chinese god of fertility, was first regarded as a monk in the 10th century. He was a hermit who is believed to be an incarnation of the Buddhist god Maitreya. His attributes include magnanimity, contentment, and happiness. His original Chinese name was Kaishi. His life span is not known, but he died in 916.

The Chinese worship the goddess of medicine and fertility, called “Hotei.” The goddess is regarded as a goddess of fertility, happiness, and prosperity. The goddesses of the Xiang River are also revered as a fertility deity. In ancient times, Hua Shan Sheng Mu (also known as “Hua Shan”) was the daughter of the Jade Emperor, who possessed a magical lantern. The goddess was said to be the mother of ten suns, who is regarded as a goddess of fertility.

During the early stages of Chinese Buddhism, Budai was associated with a simple, peaceful life. The poor and rich worshiped him, and his popularity grew. Budai worship spread throughout mainland Asia and reached Japan. In the 13th century, Buddhism reached Japan, and Hotei became known as a deity of fertility.

The goddess of fertility Guanyin is one of the most popular Chinese deities. She is regarded as a mother-figure and a bestower of children. The deity is primarily worshiped by women, who pray to her during pregnancy, childbirth, and conception. Throughout Chinese history, the goddess of fertility has been venerated by women for fertility, and is also associated with a variety of other aspects of life.


Junojin is a Chinese fertility goddess who protects mothers and young children. She is associated with dawn, and is also the patron of sailors. She came to China from India through the Silk Road during the Han Dynasty, where she became conflated with the matronly goddess Xiwangmu and the compassionate Guanyin. In Chinese culture, her name means “Her Majesty of the Blue Dawn.”

Chinese people have long worshipped a wide variety of gods. While some gods developed later than others, all have special significance in the Chinese culture. Today, Junojin remains one of the most popular and important of these deities. Historically, the Chinese people worshiped more than two hundred gods and deities.

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Prayers to the Fertility Chinese Deity
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