Chinese Madness Deity


This article explores the history, practice, and interpretation of a Chinese madness deity. You’ll learn about the Can Nu, Chang’e, Jasper Lady, and Ma Yuan-shuai. This article is not meant to replace your own personal spiritual practice, but rather to provide an overview of the various deities in Chinese mythology.


Chang’e is the Chinese madness deity and the creator of immortality. She is usually depicted floating toward the moon in paintings. Her right hand holds a moon disk. Sometimes she is depicted as preparing the drug that will provide immortality. In a few versions, she is also accompanied by a Hare who is making the drug.

The legend behind Chang’e is very complicated. Although the legend seems a bit dubious, it remains a popular Chinese deity. Although the story of his birth and descent is questionable, the myth remains interesting. Chang’e also appears in the Journey to the West by Wu Cheng-en.

Chang’e was originally named Heng’e, which is a unique personal name for the Chinese goddess. However, Chinese emperor Liu Heng wanted to avoid sharing the goddess’s name, so he renamed her to Chang’e. In this case, it seems that Chinese royalty isn’t shy about changing the names of their gods.

Chang’e’s story has many versions, much like the sands of the desert. According to one version, she was an immortal in heaven. However, after the Jade Emperor exiled her mother for stealing the elixir of immortality, the emperor banished her to earth and gave her the job of guarding the Southern Gate of Heaven.

Amid the moon-worshiping tradition, Chinese people celebrate Chang’e on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month. It coincides with the full moon and is an occasion for family reunion. Many people offer mooncakes as gifts to friends and neighbors. Some believe that they can see the shape of a toad on the moon’s surface during this time. However, some believe that the toad’s outline is not Chang’e.

Chang’e is an important deity in Chinese mythology. She is the Moon Goddess and the Queen of Lunaria. She is also the name of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program. In addition to her worship, she is a central figure in the annual Mid-Autumn Festival.

The myth of Chang’e relates the story of a woman who ate a pill and became immortal. Her heroic act made the evil Houyi into an evil king, but she survived and is still worshipped today.

Jasper Lady

The Chinese madness deity Jasper Lady is a vengeful woman with the powers of nature. Her powers can transform her victims into withered husks. In addition to her destructive powers, Jasper also has a unique ability to manipulate the weather. Jasper can also alter her victims’ physical appearance by using her dimension shift powers.

After Jasper and Sapphirian fought in the Imperial City, Sapphirian returned to the Temple of the Jasper Lady and begged the goddess to surrender. Jasper, however, misinterpreted this as a prank and began to approach Sapphirian. In response, Sapphirian was struck by Jasper’s hand and impaled through her stomach. Jasper mocked Sapphirian for believing that such a plan would work.

Jasper also believed that Sapphirian was responsible for his condition. Because he had been hurt by his twins, he wanted to take revenge on his twins. He was angry with them for their cruel acts and he wished to make them suffer for their sins. This was the genesis of the first Sapphiria/Rubidia War. The Magna Roma, meanwhile, invaded from the north and fought the Northarian Militia. And the Chinese, meanwhile, attacked the deserts south of Sapphiria.

Jasper Lady is one of the most important deities in China. Her power over people is so immense that she is believed to possess the power to cause great harm. Jasper also has the power to transform the environment. In China, the deity is often linked to madness. The Chinese believe that the goddess of madness is responsible for many of the evil acts that occur in the country.

In mythology, Cyndi is the dark sister of the goddess Jasper. She came to avenge the wrongs done to her sister during the Sima Cao siege. She was a powerful warrior, but her vengeful nature made her vulnerable to corrupting influences.

Jasper Lady was jealous of the Chinese wealth and had demanded change in the land. She longed for fortune and power, but she was unwilling to give up her wealth. Nevertheless, she accepted her invitation to the Gilded Lands, where she would be a part of the third kingdom in Rubidia.

Ma Yuan-shuai

Chinese legends have long associated the madness deity Ma Yuan-shui with madness. The deity was originally a three-eyed monster who was condemned by the deity Ju Lai to reincarnation. After his first incarnation, he entered the womb of Ma Chin-mu and appeared as five fire globes. Later, as a precocious youth, he killed the Dragon-king of the Eastern Sea and obtained his spiritual work. Throughout Chinese history, this deity has appeared in many different forms.

The author summarised the sociology and philosophy of the Chinese people and dealt as comprehensively as possible with the subject. This way, she was able to present a complex subject in an accessible manner. Her intention was to present accredited representatives of Chinese mythology. These are those who live within the minds of the people and who are the most frequently referred to in Chinese literature. She succeeded in achieving this goal without distorting the image of the deity.

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