Chinese Mythology and Gods


In Chinese mythology, the Goddess of Longevity is also known as the Goddess of Happiness. She is represented wearing lucky red clothes and the planet Jupiter is her star. She is often associated with immortality, prosperity, and passing examinations. She is sometimes accompanied by a long-lived bird crane.

Sheng Ren

In China, the sheng ren is a deity whose image is found in many of the Yijing characters. He is often equated with the Chinese Christ. In addition, his image is a symbol of rebirth. According to one ancient tradition, he is worshipped in the form of a lamb. The symbol has many similarities to the Christian lamb.

Sheng Ren was the most important concept in Chinese history. It was so important to the culture that even the Europeans could not hold a candle to it. They talked about ‘philosophers’ and ‘holy men’ in lesser terms. The Germans had no concept of sages.

During the period of the Confucian era, the sheng ren’s image was closely associated with the sage kings of Chinese history. The high virtues of the sheng ren gave him supreme status. Jesus has been described as a Confucian sage, and the Christian Jesus is equated with the sheng ren in the Daodejing.

Jesus was also portrayed as a god by the early Jesuit Figurists in China. The most famous forerunner of the Figurists was Joachim Bouvet, sent to China by the first French mission to the country in 1687. He was devoted to deciphering the Chinese characters and attempting to decipher esoteric messages hidden in the ancient Chinese classic.

Li Tie Guai

In Chinese mythology, Li Tie Guai (also known as Tieguai Li) is one of the Eight Immortals. This group of deities has a central role in the study of the Tao and cultivation practices. They are also renowned for their devotion to the poor and their asceticism. Although they are most often depicted as a group, they each have their own mythology, iconography, and patronage.

According to the Chinese calendar, Li Tieguai was born on the fourteenth day of the fourth month. He was a great scholar and a poet. Because of this, he was elevated to immortality. His image is portrayed wearing scholar clothes and carrying a sword. He is also revered by Taoists.

Li Tie Guai, the Peach Goddess, is associated with the quest for immortality. She grew in the valley where the Monkey King stole peaches, and her worship was fanatical in later periods. Her statue is usually attended by two young girls. Besides a crane, she is also accompanied by phoenixes and bluebirds.

Li Tieguai’s physical appearance is not very pleasing. His face is unkempt, and he walks with an iron crutch. However, despite his unkempt appearance, he is a compassionate deity who cares for the poor. He also gives medicine to those in need.

Dong Wanggong

The Taoist deity Dong Wanggong is known by many other names, including Father Dongwang, Great Lord Fusang, and the Imperial Lord Dongwang. He rules over all realms of existence, including the sky, earth, and human beings. He is the highest ranking deity in the traditional religious pantheon, and is associated with the 26th day of the 12th lunar month. The deity is also often associated with the Vermilion Bird, a mythical creature.

This powerful goddess lives in the Yaochi of Mount Kunlun and is surrounded by beautiful flowers. He controls all the female deities in the world and oversees all elixirs of life. He has a long and illustrious history, having met some of China’s most notable emperors and delivering messages to the San Qing, a messenger of the emperor.


Xiwangmu is a Chinese deity who is revered for her ability to prolong human life. She was once a terrifying monster but, over time, she became an immortal deity. During this time, she lost most of her animal qualities, leaving her as a fully human being. Today, she is described as an aged woman, retaining her powers but a more benevolent aspect.

Xiwangmu is also a deity with two aspects: yin and yang. Although the actual yin and yang symbol may be absent from the actual deity, similar images can be found in the Sichuan region. These two forces can be represented by a three-legged crow, a rabbit, or a toad.

Xiwangmu is one of the oldest and most powerful of Chinese deities. She is the queen of the immortals and presides over life and death. Her enchanted palace is located in the Kunlun Mountains, and her moat is sensitive to the elements. The moat protects her Imperial Peach Orchard, which is a sacred tree that gives humans immortality. Xiwangmu is portrayed in various ways in Chinese art, from a young girl with sharp teeth to an old woman with a hunched back.

Xiwangmu is also known as the Golden Mother or Aunt Mother Queen. The female counterpart of Dong Wang Gong, the “king father of the east,” Xiwangmu later married the Jade Emperor. The two deities are considered personifications of Yin and Yang.

Lan Caihe

Lan Caihe is a Chinese deity of music, often depicted in a ragged blue dress. According to legend, he is the patron immortal of minstrels and female singers. His songs are said to be able to predict the future.

Lan Caihe is also known as Ba Xian, the Goddess of abundance and gardening. Although her age is unknown, her appearance is recognizable as a young girl or boy with a basket of flowers. Her attributes include a hoe and a flower basket.

Lan Caihe is one of the Eight Immortals, a group of Daoist gods who play a prominent role in Chinese religion. While they are renowned for teaching cultivation practices and Daoist philosophy, they are also figures of popular mythology. Their devotion to the poor and their easy wandering are reflected in their patronage and iconography.

The first appearance of Lan Caihe can be traced to the Northern Sung dynasty. In addition to singing, Lan performed dances. The dancers would clap their feet in rhythm with the music. Traditionally, both male and female were involved in these performances.

The story of his origin is fascinating. A hantea Chinese deity, Lan Caihe, was created from a mortal man named Li Tieguai. The disciple believed the deity was dead and cremated the body, but the soul returned to the body of a beggar. This story is the origin of Lan Caihe’s symbolism. It demonstrates how important it is to give to the poor and the sick.

Miao Shan

Chinese legends describe the life of the goddess Miao Shan. She was born to a wealthy family but refused to marry a man who did not care for her. She was an extremely pious woman, and she sought to perfect herself through the practice of spiritual cultivation. Her goal was to bring salvation to the world.

When she was sent to a nunnery, she was given arduous tasks, but never died. Her punishments allowed her to develop more of her spiritual side. Animals and greater powers aided her during her trials, and she became more in tune with the universe. One day, she performed a miracle and saved the nuns and herself.

Miao Shan was the daughter of a doctor who wished for his daughter to marry someone of great wealth and power. He made her do difficult labor and reduced her food supply. Still, she would not yield to her father’s wishes. The deity took her to heaven after she had said this, and the king and queen visited her.

Miao Shan’s lore teaches us that she has compassion for the poor and oppressed. When we are in need of compassion, we seek her help. This goddess teaches us to love others and forgive ourselves and others. Her compassion has made her a beloved figure in Chinese folklore.

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Chinese Mythology and Gods
Temples Dedicated to a Mu Chinese Deity